ACRONYMS (பெயர் சுருக்கம்)

Some of the common acronyms used in the Cell Biology which you need to be familiar from the exmination point of view

AHL - Acyl homoserine lactone 

CGN - Cis golgi network 

ECM - Extra cellular matrix 

GERL - Golgi bodies, Endoplasmic Reticulum and Lysosomes (also referred as endomembrane system)

GPCR - G protein coupled receptor 

RER rough endoplasmic reticulum

RTK - Receptor tyrosine kinases 

TGN - Trans golgi network 

MTOC - Micro Tubule Organizing Centre

SNARE - Soluble NSF Attachment Protein Receptor

In a word's, suffix (பின் இணைப்பு) ase - refers to enzyme (e.g. Zymase, Glucose isomerase)

In a word's, suffix (பின் இணைப்பு) ose - refers to sugar (e.g. glucose, fructose)