Meditation and Mindfulness

We will be focusing on community based needs for vulnerable populations - seniors, new immigrants, disabled (mental and physical), anxious students, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, mental illness, families undergoing conflicts and separation, and other groups who are found to be in need of services. These projects are responsive to evidenced needs (from demographic studies) and supported by grants. Our current focus is on Meditation and Mindfulness for Stress Relief program.

Meditation and Mindfulness for Stress Relief (MMSR)

DhIA Foundation offers customized meditation and mindfulness programs for stress relief drawing from multiple secular meditation and mindfulness practices from South and East Asia. Additionally, participants are supported with learning resources and practice-at-home meditation apps. 

 (See video for Power of Breath and Neuroscience of Meditation)


Here are some of the key questions we ask when evaluating a proposal:


1. Cover letter that includes:

2. Letter of Support from the school leadership or board if the application is being submitted by an individual teacher.

3. Briefly describe the mission and programs of your organization (1 page or less)

4. Summarize the proposed project: (2 pages or less)

Please tell us how you plan to use the funds and what you hope to accomplish, including:

Be sure you include:  


5.  Give financial and legal information:

6. Limit the description of your organization and proposed project (#3 and #4) to three double-spaced pages or less. You may include brochures, annual reports or other background material as attachments. 


7. Send an electronic PDF copy of your proposal via:


Subject Line: DhIA Meditation Grant Application 2022


8. Send a PDF copy of your proposal and supplementary materials via email by AUGUST 15, 2023, 11:59PM EST


General Guidance

MMSR for Law Enforcement Officers: Customized meditative techniques to help law enforcement officers combat traumatic stressors that are exacerbated by COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has created social upheaval and altered norms for all members of society, but its effects on first responders and law enforcement officers have been particularly profound. In addition to professional mental health services and strong peer and community support, meditation and mindfulness have been shown to reduce stress levels and improve physical and mental health outcomes for law enforcement officers with longer term sustained results.

MMSR for Healthcare Workers: Customized meditation and mindfulness practices to address professional burnout, stress-related disorders, compassion fatigue, conflicts at home, voluntary separation from vulnerable family members, insomnia among other symptoms that plague healthcare workers who while trained to provide help, may not prioritize asking much less receiving help for their own wellness. Healthcare workers desperately need all-around support to care for their mental health as they continue to work in stressful situations - meditation and mindfulness practices have been evidenced to offer tremendous stress relief.

Mindfulness in Action for Students & Professionals: Cognitive and behavioral sciences suggest that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are inter-connected forces that dictate how we engage with the world around us. Creating a multi-prong approach to change our thinking patterns, behavioral and emotional responses to external stressors would be invaluable in healing current divisiveness, defensiveness and violent aggressions in the community. DhIA's Mindfulness in Action program includes educational components, behavior modification guidance, and meditation and mindfulness trainings led by professionals and subject matter experts.

Design your own MMSR program: Your customized program can include the following: