
DhIA aims to identify and respond to urgent needs in the community by providing resources, knowledgebase and relevant information to serve Americans in need, at large scale and multiple locations. Our model is to be a franchisor rather than a franchisee to connect researched needs with evidence-based practices to reach those in need embodying secular and inclusive core values.

Life Choices and Paths for Women: Professional workshops, trainings and mentorship for women facing career challenges. Research indicates that in 2020 women’s unemployment rate rose by 12.8 percentage points between February and April — a 2.9 percentage points larger increase than men’s increase of 9.9 percentage points. We hope to help those affected by such disparity.

Support for Law Enforcement Officers: Create a secular and simple meditation protocol to alleviate stress and heightened risks for mental illness among first responders. Research suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has created social upheaval for everyone, but its effects on first responders and law enforcement officers have been particularly profound.

Dharmic Arts: DhIA highlights the role of Arts as cultural banks of Dharma in South and East Asia, beyond just their aesthetic enjoyment. We want to emphasize how dharmic values are embodied in the Arts - visual arts, performing arts, art of meditation across dharmic cultures, and many others. We hope to organize art centered events, exhibitions, and workshops when possible in the near future.

Mental health support for Families: Facilitated discussion groups to promote healthy communications and conflict-resolution skills in families coping with academic, social and cultural stressors. South-Asian American immigrants face a lack of mental health resources and we can counter this with education that appropriately address the population's needs.