Mission Statement

Dharma into Action Foundation Inc. (DhIA) is intended to be an association of Dharmic American leaders and philanthropists interested in the preservation and celebration of the philosophy, culture and traditions of South Asia and East Asia embodied in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. DhIA has been established to innovate, integrate, and implement Dharma educational and social service initiatives in support of the Dharmic community and the broader community at large. DhIA seeks to do this by establishing relationships, partnerships, institutions and solutions across educational, business, industry, policy, community service and cultural arts domains.

Educational: Growing educational services with university partnerships, PK-16 student and teacher participation, public library engagement, mentorships, establishment of Dharmic schools from early childhood to University and beyond, content publishing and distribution, and pilgrimages/tourism

Policy: Engagement with think tanks, federal, state and local governments, International Organizations and embassies, and business councils on key policy areas of interest to the community such as immigration policy, environmental policy, and dharmic values in business management

Community service: Chaplaincies (fire, police, universities, hospitals, armed services, veterans, orphanages), social services including mentoring programs for the youth, disaster recovery and relief work, cross-nation temple partnerships, relief services (elderly, child, women, handicapped, and refugee), and interfaith education and dialogue

Promotion of The Arts: Sponsoring of festivals singly or in partnership with like-minded institutions, to showcase performing arts and literature associated with the Dharmic heritage of South Asia and East Asia. This preserves the culture of dharmic religions of South and East Asia through educational and community service outreach.