Calm Classroom

Body Scan.mp4

This is a relaxation exercise.

Body Scan

We are going to practice a Calm Classroom technique called "Body Scan". You will be holding your body still as you pay attention to how different parts of your body feel. For example, bring your attention to your feet and see if you can feel them without moving them. You will be relaxing and noticing how each part of your body feels as I guide your attention to it.

Bell Focus.mp4

This is is concentration exercise.

Bell Focus

We are going to practice a Calm Classroom technique today called "Bell Focus." When I ring the bell, you will focus all of your attention on the sound until it fades away completely and then you will listen to the silence in the room. If your mind starts thinking about something other than the sound of the bell, try to bring your mind back to the sound. I will ring the bell three times.

Feeling the Breath.mp4

This is a concentration exercise.

Feeling the Breath

We are going to practice a technique called "Feeling the Breath" You will focus your attention on the feeling of your breath as the air moves in and out of your body. As you breathe in through your nose, focus on the feeling of the air moving in. As you breathe out through your nose , focus on the feeling of the air moving out.

I am Calm.mp4

This is a concentration exercise.

I am Calm

Today we are going to practice a technique called, "I am Calm." As you inhale through your nose, you will silently repeat the word "I", and as you exhale through your nose, you will silently repeat the words "Am Calm." As you breathe, try to focus your attention on just these three words.

Sitting in Stillness.mp4

This is a concentration activity.

Sitting in Stillness

We are going to practice a Calm Classroom technique today called "Sitting in Stillness." You will be holding your body still as you focus your attention on different parts of your body.