Bilbao, Spain

From July 1st to July 31st, 2024 

(Approximate dates)


All students with a desire to get involved in the social field of migration and with the ability to listen, welcome and work in a team. From 3rd grade onwards.




ELLACURÍA FUNDAZIOA Arrupe Etxea C/ Padre Lojendio, 2 - 1º Derecha - 48008 BILBAO


July 1st to July 31st, 2024 (Approximate dates)



*Language in which the project will be developed.

Comments from participants:

A student in her 3rd year of Psychology at Comillas Pontifical University tells us about...

"The immigration problem is very complicated and, in my opinion, has to be approached from different places. Of course we must offer people who immigrate opportunities for a decent life, after all, it is a matter of luck to be born in one country or another. Our project had the objective of allowing the users to get to know each other better, interacting in a relaxed and leisurely space, which contributed to building a network of relationships and support. On the other hand, they could practice their Spanish and interact with us, the volunteers. In this way, we were able to learn together a little more about our ways of being, origins and histories, dismantle prejudices and practice the language.

The experience I have had brings me closer to reality, and my ideas about a just world are concretized in individual people, in a tangible motivation. A motivation to want them to be well, not to fix the whole world. And then it's easier for me to get down to work."

Project and activity identification:

From the reality of immigration, which is shaping a new way of being and relating to each other, we wish to promote an intercultural society in which all people can be protagonists. We offer a proposal of social incorporation in the scope of the new immigration society through the following projects: Orientation and training, Associative strengthening, Mediation Interculturalism and interreligious dialogue.  

It is an experience of meeting and living together with other young people who wish to approach the reality of migration and cultural diversity in our urban environment. It is a proposal in search of a common denominator and commitment: inclusive citizenship. The work camp proposes an experience of coexistence in diversity among young adults that allows us to understand in depth the reality of the migratory experience. Leisure and free time activities will be shared, as well as training proposals in the field of literacy. We will live together in a hospitality house.   

It is an experience in a community of hospitality, with the rhythms of the house. 

Description of the beneficiaries:

People undergoing migration processes between 18 and 23 years of age. 

Previous training:

All students selected for the VUELA program will receive common training for participation in volunteer activities. 

Consult YOUR UNIVERSITY in the following links for training dates, location and conditions.  Don't forget to mark them in your calendar. This training is mandatory and is part of the project. 

In addition, training will be provided by the entity to explain and provide in-depth knowledge of the hospitality community.  


Field support:

On-site support will be provided by the organization itself.  The welcome to Bilbao and the follow-up of any incident, especially during the first week, will be supported by the University of Deusto. 

Lodging and meals:

The project is carried out in the host home, in a community of hospitality Mambre Etxea.  

Information on the possibility and conditions of financial support for these concepts can be found below, by consulting YOUR UNIVERSITY:



The student is responsible for arranging and paying for transportation to the intervention site, and must inform the project's reference university of the date and time of arrival at least 15 days in advance.

University of reference for the project:

University of Deusto (Aitor Arbaiza Valero)