San Sebastian, Spain

from 1/07 to 12/07 

(approximate dates)

Caritas Gipuzkoa


Any profile with interest and facility for working with vulnerable people and people at risk of exclusion. 




Donostia – San Sebastián 


From 07/01 to 07/12 (approximate dates)



*Language in which the project will be developed.

Comment from participants:

A student in her 3rd year of Business Administration + Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas tells us...

"Both centers (Aterpe and Miriam) have the person as the protagonist of the socialization process. The person is listened to and his or her real needs are taken into account. The person him/herself will determine the pace of the process. The work of professionals and volunteers aims to empower the person, and not to create dependencies, from a paternalistic perspective. Both centers know that the reasons for the person's condition are very complex and that it is not the result of the disability, but that many situations and events lead the person to that center."

Project and activity identification

The basis of our action is the welcome and accompaniment of vulnerable and excluded people. We welcome, listen, guide and accompany people in their suffering, their needs, their hope. We recognize the capacities and potentialities that people have and therefore, we promote their participation and activation in their process of social inclusion. We are also called to the task of raising awareness and transforming society to make it possible for all people to have a dignified life. Raise awareness of the need for involvement of young people and raise awareness of the realities that are not so visible.

You will be able to participate in the following programs. We are working on two activities, but it is still undefined, we are looking at the possibility of doing two of these three actions: 

Schedule: About 6 or 7 hours. 

Description of the beneficiaries: 

People at risk of social exclusion. 

Previous training:

All students selected for the VUELA program will receive common training for participation in volunteer activities. 

Consult YOUR UNIVERSITY in the following links for training dates, location and conditions.  Don't forget to mark them in your calendar. This training is mandatory and is part of the project. 

Field support:

On-site support will be provided by the organization itself throughout the project. 

The welcome to San Sebastian and the follow-up of any incident will be supported by the reference person of the University of Deusto Campus San Sebastian.

Lodging and meals:

Shared accommodation in San Sebastian with the volunteers of the Vuela projects in the city. Meals from Monday to Friday will be taken at the Caritas Aterpe with the rest of the volunteers and the people living there. The rest of the meals will take place in the shared accommodation. 

The University of Deusto will help in the search of the accommodation and will facilitate the entrance. Each volunteer will have to contribute individually an equal amount to the common bag to cover the costs of accommodation and meals (dinner and breakfast). The amounts will be communicated prior to arrival, as well as the method of payment. 

Information on the possibility and conditions of financial support for these concepts can be found below, by consulting YOUR UNIVERSITY:


The student is responsible for arranging and paying for transportation to the intervention site, and must inform the project's reference university of the date and time of arrival at least 15 days in advance.

University of reference for the project:

Deusto University (Yajaira Kortabitarte Jauregi)