Sucre, Bolivia

from July 1 to August 31

(approximate dates)

Tomas Katari Polytechnic Institute (IPTK)


Students from 2nd grade onwards, preferably from any degree or double degree in Business Administration, Communication, Master's degree in cooperation, marketing and/or design. Interest and/or knowledge in communication, marketing and design in the service of social organizations will be an asset.




City of Sucre, Bolivia


from July 1 to August 31 (approximate dates).



*Language in which the project will be developed.

Comments for participants.

A student of the Master in Migration at Comillas Pontifical University tells us about...

"In volunteering in Sucre, Bolivia I learned more than social networking and campaign management. I had the opportunity to learn about the structural work IPTK does to dignify Andean lives. Every kilometer traveled on sandy roads fostered my ability to adapt, empathize and learn about new cultures. Experiences like these reaffirm the importance of leaving the classroom, of taking trains, planes and buses. To cross borders. The importance of packing your bags and getting your shoes dirty. Experiences like these are key points in the story of your life."

Project and activity identification:

The IPTK is a private, social, non-profit entity, independent of the State, the church, political parties, economic enterprises and foreign organizations. It is a political-social instrument of liberation because it seeks the qualitative and integral change of the Bolivian Historical Subject (Bolivian society or people as a whole) to transform its current social, economic, political and ideological reality towards Living Well, from the human and territorial enclaves in which it intervenes directly (Chayanta province, Linares province and the city of Sucre). This institutional ideological identity results from the dialectic fusion (fortuitous and at the same time necessary) of three ideological foundations that we could symbolize as blood, heart and brain. 

We work in 4 main areas: 

What are we going to do?

Support in fundraising campaigns. Publication through social networks. Direct work with the project teams to develop them and with Patricia Rivero, fundraising manager of the Institute. Visiting projects implemented in rural areas for social, agricultural and educational projects.

Schedule:  5 days a week, working 8 hours a day. 

Additional information: 

Description of the beneficiaries: 

Peasant, indigenous and migrant families in rural, peri-urban and urban areas of Bolivia.

Previous training:

All students selected for the VUELA program will receive common training for participation in volunteer activities. 

Consult YOUR UNIVERSITY in the following links for training dates, location and conditions.  Don't forget to mark them in your calendar. This training is mandatory and is part of the project. 


Field support:

The field accompaniment will be carried out by the organization itself throughout the project, as well as by a person from the convening universities who will accompany the experience in the field.

Lodging and meals:

The IPTK has references of accommodation service, facilitating contacts to establish an agreement of access to the service.  The accommodation to which the volunteers have access currently consists of a rented apartment with 2 shared rooms. 

Each volunteer will have to contribute individually an equal amount for all to the common bag to cover the costs of rent and maintenance. The amounts will be communicated prior to arrival, as well as the method of payment. 

The distance between the lodging and the IPTK offices is 15 minutes on foot and 5 minutes by car. In case of transfer to the rural area to learn about the implementation of the project, the IPTK will provide the necessary logistics for mobilization, covering the costs of accommodation and food.  

Information on the possibility and conditions of financial support for these concepts can be found below, by consulting YOUR UNIVERSITY:



The student is responsible for arranging and paying for transportation to the intervention site, and must inform the project's reference university of the date and time of arrival at least 15 days in advance.

University of reference for the project:

Deusto University (Yajaira Kortabitarte Jauregi)