Valladolid, Spain

From July 12th to July 20th



Any student with personal and/or professional interest in discovering and knowing a way to participate in society from criteria of integral ecology, community participation and social justice can participate. Sufficient skills are required for volunteer work with children and adolescents in areas of educational support and non-formal education. 




INEA, Camino Viejo de Simancas km 4,5, 47008 Valladolid


From July 12th to July 20th


It is enough to understand and be able to make yourself understood in Spanish.

*Language in which the project will be developed.

Comments from participants:

A student of the Master of Psychology at the University of LUMSA tells us...

"Through this experience, I am taking home a great deal of knowledge and cultural background that has allowed me to appreciate and understand the true importance of the environment with all its different problems. The topics proposed in the project are very current and important, especially in the times we live in. Thanks to this experience, I was able to deal with issues in the field of ecological awareness, but also to get closer to different people and social issues. Attention to the person is everything, the basis of all relationships and well-being, both individual and collective. It is a dynamic and complete project, in line with my values."

Project and activity identification:

In addition to the teaching activities of the university center, which is strongly committed to healthier and more sustainable agriculture and food, and with a strong commitment to agroecology, INEA has several projects underway that seek to put its skills at the service of its social environment. On the 28 hectares of the INEA ECOLOGIC FARM The Ecological Gardens project is being developed, which are given to retired people. INEA also has a project Ecology and Shelter Ana Leal, in which the Ecological Transition School is integrated. The coexistence and shared work is done in the context of this community in which very diverse people participate, including migrant families in the process of building an autonomous life. INEA also collaborates with several local institutions: The store Eat Healthy Eat Fair, lhe local branch of Entreculturas and the Incola Network, which provides comprehensive support to people in vulnerable situations.

There are many events that draw our attention to our modern way of life: climate summits, the Encyclical Laudato Si', the SDGs, etc.  There are realities that impose themselves before our eyes: migration, climate change, catastrophes, poverty, pollution, pandemics, energy shortages... All this deserves a small response from us, which involves questioning our way of life and that of the society in which we participate, starting from the experience of having a week to live differently. All this in the hope that this short experience will bring us back to our ordinary life with the desire to build, as young people, alternatives that are for everyone, for a better and fairer world.

The issue that the students will be supporting is the approach to our lives from an integral ecology. An experience of life and service in an ecological context of life: meals, shared life, austerity, work, living together. In relationship with the elderly and children. Living and learning, theory and practice, reflection and action. Encounter with nature. Open to alternative ways of life and awareness for socio-environmental justice. 

What are we going to do?

This project includes service to the needs of the environment (migrant children and adolescents) and those of the community of the Finca Ecológica, collaboration and coexistence and, framing everything, a process of personal and collective reflection on our way of being in the world from the lived experience. To serve and collaborate, but also to form, think and project ourselves into the future.

Schedule: All day long. Social volunteering activities in the morning and ecological volunteering and training in the afternoon. Collaboration in shifts in common tasks. Weekend recreational and educational outings.

When? From Monday, July 12 at dinner to Saturday, July 20 at breakfast. 

Negative certificate of crimes of sexual nature or equivalent will be requested.

Description of the beneficiaries:

The coexistence and shared work is done in the context of this community in which very diverse people participate, including migrant families in the process of building an autonomous life. The needs of migrant children and adolescents from the surrounding area and those of the Finca Ecológica community will be addressed.

Previous training:

All students selected for the VUELA program will receive common training for participation in volunteer activities. 

Consult YOUR UNIVERSITY in the following links for training dates, location and conditions.  Don't forget to mark them in your calendar. This training is mandatory and is part of the project. 

Field support:

The field accompaniment will be carried out by the organization itself throughout the project, as well as by a person from the convening universities who will accompany the experience in the field.

Lodging and meals:

Accommodation and coexistence are in the center's own facilities, in the Casa de Ecología y Acogida Ana Leal. Each volunteer has his or her own individual or shared room, and meals are shared with the volunteers. 

Information on the possibility and conditions of financial support for these concepts can be found below, by consulting YOUR UNIVERSITY:


The student is responsible for arranging and paying for transportation to the intervention site, and must inform the project's reference university of the date and time of arrival at least 15 days in advance.

University of reference for the project:

Comillas Pontifical University (María Iglesias Martínez).