Virtual Halls of MHS-SHS
It is important to take note that most of the logos on this website are UNOFFICIAL. The halls of the MHS-SHS were reimagined in the virtual world as designed in the IPA. Aside from that, these virtual museums are the students’ adherence to a paperless society. A simple way of lessening the use of paper in doing school projects.
Every hall in the MHS-SHS Google Site is dedicated to every learner who triumphantly fared through this school year. All the aspects of this IPA were thoughtfully designed TO ENCOURAGE their fellow learners to remain RESILIENT in their studies amidst these uncertain times. Moreover, this IPA became possible with the collective action of the students and teachers. Truly, at the Makati High School, WE CAN AS ONE, AS ONE WE CAN.
12-ABM A
Click the navigation tab above to visit the virtual museums prepared by the student-entrepreneurs of 12-ABM A.
12-ABM B
Click the navigation tab above to visit the virtual museums prepared by the student-entrepreneurs of 12-ABM B.
12-Arts and Design
Watch out for the dynamic and extraordinary outputs of the 12-Arts and Design on the IPA Phase 2.
Click the navigation tab above to visit the virtual museums prepared by the student-advocates of 12-HUMSS A.
Click the navigation tab above to visit the virtual museums prepared by the student-advocates of 12-HUMSS B.
Click the navigation tab above to visit the virtual museums prepared by the aspiring scientists and engineers of 12-STEM.