Lesson 17: The Research Hypothesis
Lesson 17: The Research Hypothesis
The research hypothesis is central to all research endeavors, whether qualitative or quantitative, exploratory or explanatory. At it is most basic. The research hypothesis states what the researcher expects to find- it is the tentative answer to the research question that guides the entire study. Developing testable research hypothesis takes skill, however along with careful attention to how the proposed research method treats the development and testing of hypothesis.
The nature of hypotheses can be described as follows:
1. It can be tested
2. It is not an ethical issue
3. It is not too specific and not to general
4. It is a predicted of consequences
5. It is considered valuable even if proven false.
Research Title: Digital Threats: The Impacts of Cyberbullying to the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in University of Nueva Caceres-Bataan School Year 2019-2020
Hypothesis of the Study
Alternative Hypothesis
There is a significant difference in the Digital Threats: The Impacts of Cyberbullying to the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in University of Nueva Caceres-Bataan School Year 2019-2020 when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, strand, and general average on previous year.
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant difference in the Digital Threats: The Impacts of Cyberbullying to the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in University of Nueva Caceres-Bataan School Year 2019-2020 when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, strand, and general average on previous year.