Other Programs and Projects

Project DepEd SERVES

DepEd SERVES is a program under the umbrella of the Regional Office on Wheels. This is a medium for DepEd employees, donors, and other stakeholders to give serviceable goods to schools.

SERVES stands for Selfless Efforts and Resources for Valued Clientele's Efficient Use in Schools. True to its mission, this program has already given school supplies to learners who were assessed to be at a financial disadvantage. The same goes through with the provision of furniture, and school materials and equipment to schools.

With the unrelenting drive to provide quality learning delivery, DepEd CAR will never waiver in bringing education to the communities and homes of its learners.

SEAMEO-JAPAN Education for Sustainable Development Award 2022

For reference, you may access the Regional Memorandum No. 227, s. 2022.