LRMDS Portal

SDO Bacoor E-Library

This portal is designed to provide you with access to quality learning and teaching resources such as Learning Material, Lesson Plan, Learning Guide, Learning Module and Full course that are aligned with K to 12 curriculum. These can be used as primary bases or as supplement to teaching and learning processes.

This portal is developed by SDO Bacoor City that contains quality-assured learning resources in support to the learning recovery plan of the Division. Likewise, the e-library also contains storybooks, modules, activity sheets, video-assisted materials, curriculum guides, and professional development materials.

What is Budget of Work?

What is MELC?

Curriculum Guide

Budget of Work (BOW) is a resource material for teaching multi-grade classes that contains K to 12 basic education curriculum competencies, skills, and objectives; topics for specific skills and competencies; and teaching strategies, activities, and time allotment arranged into columns for easy reference and notation. It will serve as teacher’s reference in preparing daily and/or weekly lesson plans. 

Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELC, according to DepEd, “are defined as what the students need, considered indispensable, in the teaching-learning process to building skills to equip learners for subsequent grade levels and subsequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning competencies were defined as what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building foundational skills.”

Curriculum Guides are structured documents that delineate the philosophy, goals, objectives, learning experiences, instructional resources, and assessments that comprise a specific educational program. These K-12 curriculum guides (CG) are structured based on the K-12 Basic Education Program.


NLP Open Access Resources

NLP Subscribed Databases

NLP Free Web-based Databases


Check out the list of all quality assured contextualized learning materials developed by the teacher that you can access on and off campus.

List of Contextualized Materials