Advisory Group
An Advisory Group has been created to oversee the design and implementation of this Citizens' Assembly, and to ensure that participants are presented with factually accurate, comprehensive and balanced information.
This means that it is the Advisory Group who have informed the topics you will receive information about as part of the Assembly process. They have also helped inform who our expert speakers are.
The Advisory Group is made of local stakeholders who can bring knowledge of the borough and of their sector and regional stakeholders who have influence in the borough. While the group doesn’t have any decision-making powers, it helps ensure that the citizens assembly considers a range of things that are linked to the question, both within the borough and at a regional & national level.
The members were representatives from Populo Living, East London Business Alliance, Compost London, Citizens UK, Royal Docks, Barts Health Trust, GLA and UCL.
Members of the Advisory Group are:
Alistair Rooms - Newham Citizens UK
Kelvin Abdul Kareem Jones - Newham United Dialogue
Susanne Rauprich - One Newham
Caroline Rouse or Anne Crisp - Compost (Voluntary and Community Service Infrastructure Body)
Ian Parkes or Alison White - East London Business Alliance
Matt Davies - Royal Docks Enterprise Zone
Andrew Attfield - Barts Health Trust
Laura Cream and Michael Reynier - University College London
Robert Whitehead - Centre for London
Alice Wilcock - Greater London Authority
Deb Heenan - Populo
Hannah Edlmann - Peabody Housing Association
Further information
More information about the Advisory Group, including minutes from their meeting and their 'Terms of Reference' (the document that says what their role is in the Citizens' Assembly) will be made available on Newham Council's site.