PFLAG - Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays - Madison
This is the website of Madison Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Chapter. PFLAG is both a support and advocacy group dedicated to making life better for LGBTQ+ people and their families and friends.
Transparent Wisconsin
Transparent WI is local support group for parents and caregivers of transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive youth that reside in the state of Wisconsin. 3 ways to connect
Join the Google Email Group -- email
Join on Facebook: search TRANSPARENTWISCO
Join our monthly in-person meetings for caregivers & Youth: Email for more information
Orgullo Latinx
Our mission is to build a safe, ethnically, equitable and racial social just place for the Latinx LGBTQ+ community in Dane County community can thrive. To find out more information please visit their webpage and reach out via their "contact us" tab.
Gender Spectrum - Online Support Groups
Gender Spectrum hosts online suppot groups for pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, and other family members. These groups provide participants the opportunity to connect with others, share their experience, and feel the comfort of a supportive community. All groups are hosted online, unless noted otherwise. Please view the information to learn more and sign up for these groups.
Local LGBTQIA+ Orgs to Know About
Statewide organization charged with Creating Just Schools for LGBTQ Youth
Teens Like Us (Briarpatch): Support Group for LGBTQIA2+ youth ages 13-18. The group is a "chill" space for youth to support one another, make new friends, socialize, and engage in casually structured activities and meet guest speakers from the community. If you are interested in learning more email,
Contact # 608-245-2550 ext 1302
24/7 Help Line 608.251.1126 or 800.798.1126
Shelter for youth of all gender identities, age 12-17
Enrolling interested LGBTQUI+ and Allied Youth between 13-18 for upcoming seasons!
No Auditions or Experience Required!
For more information call 608-222-9086 or
Miscellaneous Resources:
Trans Youth Clothing Closet:
Transition wear available for trans/NB youth in the Madison area
Contact them at:
Health & Mental Health Resources:
The PRISM Program (Peer Recovery in Supportive Mutuality) is a new pilot program to connect LGBTQ+ folx with trained peer-specialists for emotional support and mentorship.
PRISM is a free service for LGBTQ+ youth around the ages 16-26 years old living anywhere in Wisconsin.
PRISM is exclusively virtual (for now) and available online and by phone.
Call 414-336-7974 and leave a brief message with your name, phone number, county of residence, and whatever you want to share about what you're seeking support on.
In addition to one-on-one care, we also offer a weekly support group.
Legal Resources
Trans Law Help Wisconsin is a legal aid clinic staffed by volunteer attorneys. They provide assistance to the transgender community by helping individuals obtain corrected identity documents (birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, etc.) reflecting their authentic name and gender. At the clinic, participants will receive necessary information about the process for obtaining a name and a gender marker change as well as hands-on assistance with completing the required forms.
if your child is in crisis
24/7/365 Support for LGBTQIA+ youth. If you are thinking about suicide and in need of immediate support, please call or TrevorChat to connect with a counselor.
Trevor Lifeline 1-866-488-7386: Crisis intervention & Suicide prevention phone service 24/7/365.
Trevor Chat: Confidential online instant messaging with a Trevor counselor, 24/7.
Trevor Text: Text START to 678678. Confidential text messaging with a Trevor counselor.
Trevor Space: Start meeting LGBTQ friends today! TrevorSpace is an affirming international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24. Sign up and start a conversation!
Trevor Support Center: Find answers to frequently asked questions, and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more!
A peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers
Lifeline 1-877-565-8860
Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests and get good information.
Chat with like-minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you, facilitated by folks who care. Learn more about what a Q Chat looks like HERE.
¡Q Chat Space ahora está en español! (Q Chat Space is now in Spanish!)
24/7 Help Line 608-251-7273
Línea de Ayuda 608-258-2567
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS)
Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045; If you are in immediate danger, call 911
National Suicide Prevention Lifelife
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)