Immigrant Students and Families
**Some information adapted from MMSD**
We want you to know:
that all students, regardless of immigration status, have the right to attend school
you never need to disclose your immigration status
exactly what rights protect immigrant and undocumented individuals
how to get help from organizations in the Madison area that offer legal and social services
Student records are private
Wisconsin state law and federal law (FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) prohibit us from sharing this information.
Emergency planning
We encourage all families to keep their child's emergency contact information up-to-date with the school district. Here are some ways to do so:
You may also wish to develop an emergency plan for your family.
List of Important Documents / Lista de Documentos Importantes
Child Travel Consent Form/ Formulario de Consentimiento de viaje para ninos
You may have other questions about your rights, your student’s rights and where to seek help. We’ve compiled several resources below.
Centro Hispano: 608-255-3018
Voces de la Frontera: 414-643-1620
Goodman Center: 608-241-1574
Kasjiab House: (608) 280-2700
Catholic Multicultural Center: 608-441-0114
Key Resource Guide for the Latino Community
The following links provide additional national resources from immigration experts:
UNITED WE DREAM: a resources available to students, family, and community that empowers every individual and the community by equipping them with the right tools and information to support the people they care about.
Student resources
Top 5 Things to Know After the Latest DACA Decision
Madison Area Technical College
The Madison College Scholars of Promise program helps income-eligible recent high school graduates realize their dream of attending college by removing financial barriers. For more information please visit the Scholars of Promise website.
Centro Hispano
Centro Hispano works to improve the quality of life for Latinos and others living in Dane County by empowering youth, strengthening families, and engaging the community. A primary goal is to see Latino youth prepared to succeed in life by finishing high school, being prepared for postsecondary education and engaging positively in their communities. Immigration services; DACA, naturalization, permanent residency and family are provided Monday-Friday and free consultation with an immigration attorney by appointment. Languages served: English, Spanish. | 608-255-3018
RISE Law Center
Provides legal representation to immigrants and refugees in immigration law regarding VAWA Self Petition, U/T Visa, Adjustment of Status, Asylum Applications, DACA, Employment Authorization, Family-based Petitions, Naturalization, citizenship, Removal/Deportation hearings, etc. Most services are free. Languages served: English and Spanish. Interpreters in additional languages are available as needed. | 608-256-1015
Local Resources
Legal Clinics and Consultation
Dane County Immigration Affairs
Dane Co IAO provide Dane County residents with legal representation for immigrants facing deportation and family separation. Composed of bilingual and bicultural social service providers, who through a holistic approach, help immigrants and refugees in Dane County meet their immigration-related needs.
Dane Co Immigration Affairs Office | 608-242-6260
Centro Hispano
Centro Hispano works to improve the quality of life for Latinos and others living in Dane County by empowering youth, strengthening families, and engaging the community. A primary goal is to see Latino youth prepared to succeed in life by finishing high school, being prepared for postsecondary education and engaging positively in their communities. Immigration services; DACA, naturalization, permanent residency and family are provided Monday-Friday and free consultation with an immigration attorney by appointment. Languages served: English, Spanish. | 608-255-3018
Community Immigration Law Center (CILC)
Free Legal Assessments: Legal consultation are by in-person and by appointment only. Click here for more information.
Evaluaciones Legals Gratuitas: Por favor tenga en cuenta: Ya no ofrecemos consultas virtuales. Las consultas legales serán en persona con y cita previa. Lee mas aquí.
Detention Project: If you have a loved one who has been detained by immigration, first, please call teh Office of Immigrant Affairs right away. You can reach them at 608-242-6260. Then please reach out to our office at 608-640-4444. As a part of our local rapid response protocol, CILC will be in touch with family members as soon as possible.
Proyecto de Detencion:Si tiene un ser querido que ha sido detenido por inmigración, primero, llame a la Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigrantes de inmediato. Puede comunicarse con ellos al 608-242-6260. Luego, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 608-640-4444. Como parte de nuestro protocolo local de respuesta rápida, CILC se pondrá en contacto con los miembros de la familia lo antes posible. | 608-257-4845
Immigrant Justice Clinic
The Immigrant Justice Clinic (IJC) provides free legal services to Wisconsin's underserved immigrant community. Legal services may include applications for humanitarian relief for non-citizen victims of crime, persecution, and human trafficking, defense for non-citizens facing removal in Immigration Court, and briefs to the Board of Immigration Appeals on behalf of indigent non-citizens. IJC also works with criminal defense attorneys to negotiate plea agreements that avoid adverse effects to client's' immigration status. Law students work under supervision of a clinical instructor. | 608-890-3753
Other Services
AILA: Know Your Rights Handouts
AILA Provides Know Your Rights handouts for several scenarios including worksite, home, and public stop locations. Handouts are in multiple languages.
Legal Action of Wisconsin
Provides free, personalized legal services to individuals with low-income. Services provided include, but not limited to, benefits and health, family law, housing law, employment and Social Security. Supports 12 different languages. | 608-256-3304
Neighborhood Law Clinic
Provides a variety of legal services including rental housing, employment, and public benefits law. Law students staff the community-based office at the UW South Madison Partnership space in the Villager Mall on Madison's South Side. | 608-265-2441
Unión de Trabajadores Inmigrantes
This labor and community organization was created by and for workers to defend and foster the working and living conditions of working families in Dane County, Wisconsin, the US and internationally, advocating for equal rights for all workers of any race, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation or any other class difference. Languages served: English and Spanish. | 608-345-9544 or 1-866-476-0884
Voces de la Frontera
Wisconsin’s largest Latino and low-wage worker membership organization and a leading immigrant rights advocacy organization in the state. Groups operate in Milwaukee, Racine, Madison, Green Bay, Walrus County and Waukesha, and they serve immigrants of all nations. If you have an immigration related emergency, call or text 414-418-9409. Languages served: English and Spanish. | 414-643-1620
Wisconsin American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
The country’s largest public interest law organization. The organization works daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country, including immigrants. Interpreters available. | 414-272-4032