Policies & Practices

This is the web version of our choral department handbook. Printed versions can be made available upon request.

Table of Contents

Click on of the topics below and be taken to that section.

Goals of Music Education

The Defiance High School music program strives to provide students with a broad-based education in many areas of music including choral technique, music history & theory, vocal & choral repertoire, sight-singing and ear training. It is the desire that students develop an appreciation for many different styles of music and be able to retain the skills they’ve learned and apply them in their lives after high school.

It is the philosophy of this department and the school district that art and music are essential parts of a balanced curriculum and that students should be offered every opportunity possible to explore music at many various levels from basic knowledge to advanced studies. Many students from Defiance City Schools have gone on to pursue very successful lives within the arts, both professionally and leisurely, made possible by the solid foundation they received as students in our excellent programs.

Participation Policy

It is the goal of the vocal music department to give every student the opportunity to participate in one or more of the course offerings. If the student displays a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and the most basic of vocal production skill they will be placed in a choir. However, just like any other progressive subject in school, certain pre-requisite skills are required for a student to be permitted into the class. The majority of the skills are achieved by a most basic effort on the part of the student. However, some of the more advanced ensembles will require a more advanced set of musical skills. The director will also try to offer every student with an interest in choral music the opportunity to participate.


Rehearsal attendance both during the regular class time and at other pre-scheduled times throughout the course of the school year is very important and is a graded portion of the course. Because this is a performance-based class there is very little written material in from which students use in regular class day instruction. The majority of their education in the subject comes from actual participation in class and after school rehearsals. Students missing classes will have missed instruction which cannot be made up.

Choral ensembles are based on the performance of the ENTIRE group. Therefore every student participating is important to the function of the ensemble. A choir’s success depends upon every person putting forth a focused effort. If a student is absent or unprepared it has an effect on the group as a whole.


The end goal of a course in choral music is to educate and prepare students for performance as a choir. The opportunity to perform for a public audience is the central foundation and an integral part of the curriculum that cannot be taught, provided or experienced during the school day. The director cannot recreate a performance in order for an absent student to make up what he/she missed. The ability of the individual student to sing correct pitches is not the end goal of the course, being able to function proficiently as part of a larger musical group is.

Attendance at ALL performances is mandatory

  • Performances are EXAMS. The means to evaluate the success of the class is through performance. Any compromise of this requirement only serves to diminish the importance of this class in school curriculum.

  • Unlike traditional classroom subjects, performance classes are affected by the absence of its members. Such absence impairs the other students’ ability and morale. It also affects the blend and balance of the ensemble.

  • The director understands that many students are involved in athletics, jobs and other after-school activities. The director encourages these activities but asks parents and students to be aware of the schedule of choral events. Registering for a choir class ALSO means registering for these required events.

  • A calendar of required events is made available to students at the beginning of the school year. Students AND parents should immediately check their personal schedules to ensure there are no conflicts. If a conflict should arise, contact the director immediately and he will work with parents, students and all others involved to arrive at an acceptable solution. Often times a solution/compromise can easily be worked out if everyone involved communicates.

  • It is possible for additional events to be scheduled. In this event, the director will put forth every effort to give as much advance notice as possible. Students are required to participate at events unless the director has made it a voluntary event. Conflicts will be addressed on a case by case basis.

School transportation will be provided for all major events that occur out of town. Examples of such events are OMEA Large Group Contest, festivals and special trips. ALL students participating in these performances MUST ride the provided transportation to AND from these events. This is to ensure the safety of the students. In the event that special circumstances occur where a student cannot ride on the provided transportation (i.e. student is involved with an athletic event or other similar function) students will be allowed to use other transportation with the written consent of their parent or guardian. Students will not be allowed to use other forms of transportation when this is not the case.

For all performances that occur in Defiance outside of the regular school day, parents and/or guardians are responsible for ensuring that students are transported to and from the event within the timelines provided. In the case of a performance during the school day, transportation will be provided by the school (i.e. Christmas Assembly for the School District).

Varsity Blues members will have a slightly different policy due to their numerous performances during and outside of the school day. These modes of transportation will be decided on an event by event basis.

Missed Performance Policy

Because performances are considered equivalent to an exam it is necessary for a student to make- up for the missed work even if the absence is excused by the director.

The following policy will apply to ALL students missing performances:

    1. Using their Chromebooks or personal devices with the Charms app, students will record themselves singing THEIR parts on the songs they would have participated in during the actual concert.

    2. The student must sing his/her part for each piece of music that was to be performed at the missed concert. The performance will be with ONLY the student. If the song has a piano accompaniment, it will also be available for students to sing along with on the Charms app. Students will be graded on their performance and preparedness of the required material.

    3. No performance credit will be given for Unexcused Absences as per the grading policy of the school district.


School transportation will be provided for all major events that occur out of town. Examples of such events are OMEA Large Group Contest, festivals and special trips. ALL students participating in these performances MUST ride the provided transportation to AND from these events. This is to ensure the safety of the students. In the event that special circumstances occur where a student cannot ride on the provided transportation (i.e. student is involved with an athletic event or other similar function) students will be allowed to use other transportation with the written consent of their parent or guardian. Students will not be allowed to use other forms of transportation when this is not the case.

For all performances that occur in Defiance outside of the regular school day, parents and/or guardians are responsible for ensuring that students are transported to and from the event within the timelines provided. In the case of a performance during the school day, transportation will be provided by the school (i.e. Christmas Assembly for the School District).

Varsity Blues members will have a slightly different policy due to their numerous performances during and outside of the school day. These modes of transportation will be decided on an event by event basis.


Chaperones will be provided for all outside-of-class events. These chaperones will be responsible adults that are either; 1) staff members of Defiance City Schools or 2) parents of choir members. These chaperones are to ensure the safety and behavior of the choir students. The chaperones report to the director. In the event that emergency or disciplinary action is needed the director is the sole person responsible for implementing such action. Chaperones will not be handling disciplinary or emergency measures without the authority of the director.

Voice Testing

Students will be required throughout the year to submit a recording of themselves singing assigned music using the Charms website/application. Students will receive instruction on how to do this prior to the due date. They will be graded on pitch, intonation, rhythm and tone. This will also count towards the student’s Musicianship grade.

Should a student require assistance with any of the class requirements they should contact the director in person or by email/text as soon as they can.


At times during the school year it becomes necessary for the director to hold auditions for certain activities (ensembles, concert solos, solos within pieces of music, etc.). The need for auditions is because there are more students interested in a part or ensemble then can be taken. The audition process is a way of picking the student or students who most fit the criteria for what is desired. The director will try to provide the fairest environment possible and set a structured selection system for certain types of auditions and/or consult with qualified individuals in the selection process. However, there will be the probability that a number of students will not be given parts for which they auditioned. While it is well within reason for these students to be disappointed, it is not okay to complain, insult others or “grumble” about the results of the auditions to other students and/or parents. The director does his/her best to choose the right “person for the job” and works to ensure that the audition process is as fair as possible. Please respect their judgment. If a parent feels their student has received unfair treatment from an audition they may contact the director.

Performance Attire

The performance experience is a major component of choral music education. One of the educational criteria is learning to function as part of a larger group. Uniforms worn during performance help maintain pride, dignity and unity within the group thus contributing to the overall performance of the ensemble. It is necessary for all participating students to wear uniforms.

Students will be assigned choir robes to wear during all major performances (the only exception to this are the members of the Men’s Chorus and the Varsity Blues). These robes will be stored and maintained by the choral department and will be handed out to students prior to a performance. After the performance the robes will be collected. The robes are a very expensive article of clothing and while students are in possession of the robes they are responsible for them. Any damage incurred during that time which is not deemed normal wear will be the responsibility of the student and the student will be assessed a fee for its repair or replacement.

In addition to wearing robes it is the policy of the Defiance High School Choral Music Department that students maintain a dignified attire while at a performance setting when not in their robes. We strive to look as good on stage as we do offstage. Students are required to provide the following clothing to wear at said performances and underneath choir robes.

Uniform Requirements

    1. A white, button-down dress shirt or blouse with a collar

      • Students wearing long sleeves must have sleeves rolled down

      • Shirts are to be tucked in at all times

    2. Black dress pants or slacks (no jeans, sweatpants, athletic wear)

    3. Black dress shoes for boys; pumps,flats or reasonable high heels for girls (no tennis shoes, sandals, boots or slippers)

    4. Gentlemen are required to wear a tie, ladies are allowed to wear a tie if they desire

      • Men’s Chorus members will be asked to purchase a uniform tie

      • Ties are to be tied up to the collar at all times during a performance setting

Students failing to comply with this uniform code will not be allowed to perform resulting in a lowering of their grade.

Uniform Assignments

Each Women’s Chorus & A Cappella Choir member will be assigned their own robe and stole. The robes will be stored in the choir room until prior to a performance when students will be asked to pick them up. Students are responsible for the care of the robes during the entire time they are in the students’ possession. Robes should be hung up and kept out of an environment which would cause them to have odors (smoking). After the performance, students should return the robes to the choir room so they can be stored, cleaned and maintained. Any robe that is damaged, lost or failed to be turned in will be charged to the student to which it is assigned.

Men's Chorus members will receive a uniform tie which is theirs to keep and will also be assigned a black vest which the will wear for all formal performances.

Polo Shirts & Pullovers

As part of their uniform, students will have the option to purchase a choral department pullover or other casual wear. These shirts will be worn throughout the school year at various events and performances. Any shirts purchased will be the student’s to keep. Shirts must be maintained and cared for in a manner that is befitting the traditions of the choral program. Students having not properly cared for their uniform shirts will be asked to replace them. During a trip year, all students participating in the choir trip must have the specified shirt for performances.

Uniform Fees

Students will be charged for their polo shirts and a cleaning fee for the robes. Robes will be cleaned twice a year or as many times as deemed necessary by the choral department. Uniform fees will be collected at the beginning of the year. Students failing to pay or make arrangements to pay the uniform fee will not be allowed to wear a robe and thus not be allowed to participate in a performance in which robes are worn.

Current Uniform Fees

  • Uniform Fee - $30

  • Pullover Fee - $20

*students having previously purchased a pullover shirt or Men’s Chorus tie will only have to pay the uniform fee provided their pullover shirt is still in good condition.

Uniform Care & Performance Grades

The proper care of the choir robes will help ensure the longevity of these expensive uniforms. There will be times throughout the year wear the robes will be in the choir member’s possession for an extended amount of time. During that time, the choir member is responsible for the care of the robe. All choir members will be shown how to properly hang and store the choir robe. Part of a choir member’s performance grade for a concert will be comprised of returning their robe in a timely fashion with it being hung and clasped in the proper manner. This is a minimum amount of personal responsibility that is being asked of the choir member and will help maintain our supply of choir uniforms.


Defiance High School is at the forefront of technology in schools. Every student is assigned a Chromebook and has access to school computers and the internet. The Choral Department utilizes a wide array of technologies in order to help students better achieve greater success in their musical development. This includes web-based tools, communication, apps, audio/visual devices and recording technology.

Students will be given instruction on how to use the technology and will be given opportunity to ask questions regarding the use and implementation of technology at every step along the way. Students involved in choir classes are required to use the technology provided to them and to come to class prepared to use technology in a classroom setting. This includes having Chromebooks with them and charged, reading and replying to emails, keeping track of events on the calendar, recording voice tests and practicing outside of class using provided audio files.

Students coming to class not prepared by not having Chromebooks (when needed), having read emails, working on outside-of-class practice, completing recording assignments or other technology- based assignments will have lowered grades. Parents are encouraged to ask their students to show them how the technology is used in choir classes and to participate in the use of technologies that the choral department utilizes. Information about EVERY aspect of the Choral Department is available via internet, apps, and email. The information is always available. “I didn’t know” is not a viable excuse and will not be accepted.

Email & Texts

Every student at Defiance High School has a school-based email address which is accessible from their Chromebooks or from a web browser (as well as on a smart phone or tablet). In addition to being announced in class by the director, all important information will be emailed and/ or texted directly to students. Choir members should be in the habit of reading their email and responding when applicable. Choir members will also be able to communicate their questions and concerns.

Students should make a point of remembering and/or storing their email passwords. Should they need to access it on a web-browser or complete a class survey or exam, they will need it.

The Director will send email communication directly to parent/guardians should they provide him a working email address. The Director can be reached at ewest@defianceschools.net.


Chromebooks can and will be used on a regular basis. Students will have the opportunity to access the choir music directly on their devices. Students are responsible for having their Chromebooks charged and with them in class every day. Students not having Chromebooks with them, not having them charged or using them for other purposes during class time will receive reduced grades and/or disciplinary action.

Charms Office Assistant Website

The Defiance High School Choral Music Department utilizes an online resource with which parents and students can keep better informed about all aspects of the program. Every student registered for choir has an account with the Charms website. Below is a list of uses and tools parents and students have access to:

  • Student & Parent contact information

  • Music and equipment assigned to individual student

  • Calendar of events and information concerning events

  • Department news and reminders

  • Student fee & financial information

  • Student fundraiser information and balances

  • Student trip ledgers

  • Downloadable handouts & forms

  • Student practice logs

  • Recording studio for voice tests

You can access the Charms website at http://www.charmsoffice.com.

Charms Login Instructions

  1. Go to https://www.charmsoffice.com and click the LOGIN button and select PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBER. Enter "defiancehschoir" in the box marked SCHOOL CODE.

  2. This will take you to the Defiance High School Choirs homepage. There are several buttons which are available such as a Calendar of Events and links to email the director or access the school website.

  3. If you are a parent and/or student and want to access your individual information you must enter your StudentID/Password. For DHS Choir students it is your DHS identification number that is assigned by Defiance City Schools. It is the same number that you use to access grades through the Defiance High School website and your lunch account. If you don’t know your number, please contact the director and he will give it to you (parents & students only). You will be taken to a “change your password screen." You will need to change your password. Make sure you remember it or write it down in a secure location.

  4. After you have entered this section you will have several icons across the top that will take you to various sections:

    • School Calendar - all the events for the school year -- click on event for description • Event List - provides a list of events for the entire school year

    • Email Teacher - use this only if you have an email program such as Outlook on your computer and it will directly setup an email to the director

    • Handouts - takes you to several folders in which you can find forms, handouts & practice tracks to download and/or print

    • Website - takes you back to the DHS Choir page

    • Finances - will show your account balances (fees you owe, student trip account balance, etc.)

    • Student Forms - will show you what forms the student has and has not handed in • Absences - will list absences from class and graded events

    • Uniforms & Jackets - will list the uniforms that have been assigned to the student • Assigned Inventory - lists any equipment assigned to the student

    • Assigned Music - lists the music pieces assigned to the student

    • Audio Files - function will not be used at this time

    • Practice Log - allows student to record practice hours

    • Student Info - lists all the biographical information entered for student & parents; you may update if changes occur

If you have any questions about the website and how to use it, please contact the director either personally or thru email.

Charms App

There is a Charms App available for both Apple & Android devices which allows access to most of their personal content, calendar of events and files. Additionally, there is the recording studio which students will use to complete their voice test requirements for the class. Check your respective app stores for availability.

Facebook & Twitter

The Choral Department has a Facebook page and a Twitter feed. Information about events and happenings within the department will be posted regularly. Any student, parent or interested person can “Like” or “Follow” us.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DHSChoirs Twitter: @DHSChoralDept

Grading Policy

Students participating in any performance-based choir class will be graded in four separate categories: Rehearsal Attendance, Performances, Work Habits and Musicianship. The categories are all weighted equally and based on the DCS approved grading scale. Students will receive assignments within these categories as described below.

Rehearsal Attendance

Rehearsal time in class is viewed as lesson material that cannot be made up. Performance classes function as a group. Each person’s attendance in rehearsal affects the people around them which, in turn, affects the entire group. Whether excused or unexcused, a student’s absence from rehearsal are lessons that the student will not be able to experience in another setting (extra individual practice time, etc.). The student’s rehearsal attendance grade is a reflection of their ATTENDANCE at REHEARSAL. A student will receive a point for each day of the grading period that rehearsal is held. Their tardiness or absence from the rehearsal will result in a loss of a portion or all of that day’s point.

  • Tardy to class = -1/2 point for each instance.

  • Three tardies = Detention (school policy)

  • Every tardy after three = referred to Principal’s office for discipline.

  • Rehearsal Absence = -1 point for each

  • Students will not be penalized for school issued passes to class or absences due to mandated state testing.

Exceptions to extensive rehearsal absence issues will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Assistant Principal’s office. Students missing 20% of rehearsals prior to a performance may not be allowed to participate in that performance.


ANY absence from a performance must be made up (see “Performances” section of handbook).

  • Tardy to a performance = -5 points

  • Inappropriate or missing uniform items at a performance = -5 points for each item; Note: students with blatantly wrong uniform pieces will not be allowed to take the stage for performance

  • Inappropriate behavior at a performance = Director will deduct points based on offense(s)

  • Improper care of uniform = -5 points for each item

Work Habits

  • Inappropriate behavior, attitude and/or etiquette in class = -3 points per incident

  • Sitting out of class = -3 points per instance

  • Non-participation in rehearsals = -3 points per instance

  • Missing folder/class materials during rehearsal = -5 points

  • Not having a pencil during rehearsal = -1 point for each occurrence

  • Leaving folder or music out after class = -1 point for each occurrence

  • Talking during instruction = -3 points for each occurrence

  • Chewing gum in class = -3 points for each occurrence

  • Texting/cell phone/device usage when not directed to do so = point deduction or disciplinary action (depending on the type of infraction)

  • Other behavior issues will be dealt with on a case by case basis and points will be deducted based on the severity or frequency of the infraction

Students will also be awarded positive points for good behavior, participation and/or leadership.


Students will be graded in this category on a combination of outside of class practice assignments and in class voice tests for each grading period.

Music theory/reading lessons can be assigned to students and will be graded as part of the musicianship component of their overall grade.

Rubrics will be provided clearly defining the objectives of each assignment and grading scales.

Rules & Discipline

General Classroom Rules

    1. Be on time. Students should be in the classroom before the bell rings. Students entering classroom after the bell rings will be marked tardy unless they have a pass from the office or their previous class.

    2. All books, backpacks, jackets and other items not needed for choir should be placed in the designated areas for these items. Do not block any walking pathways and do not place items on any classroom furniture (including desks & pianos).

    3. Cell phones are not permitted to be used during rehearsals. Students using or checking their cell phones during class will be subject to a Work Habits grade penalty. If a student has multiple infractions, disciplinary action can be taken.

    4. Smart watches are to be removed for all rehearsals.

    5. Students should immediately get their folders and head to their assigned chairs or riser positions.

    6. No food, gum or beverages of any kind allowed at any time before, during or after class. Bottled water will be allowed if the student requires it.

    7. Once the director has started the rehearsal, students must not talk unless allowed by the director.

    8. Inappropriate behavior during rehearsal will not be tolerated. This includes disrespect to the director, assistant and to your fellow students.

    9. Students are to have a pencil with them during rehearsal (keep one in your folder).

    10. Folders & music are the responsibility of the student. Make sure they are well kept and put away when finished. Folders left out will be noted and repeated offenses will affect your class work habits grade. Students will be charged for damaged or missing music and folders.

    11. Students will only be excused from class with a pass from the office or if an emergency occurs. Take care of going to the restroom before or after class. There is a water fountain in the room for student use.

The high school code of conduct will be adhered to and enforced. This includes inappropriate language, clothing and the use of cell phones & electronic devices.

Discipline Policy

The following actions will be taken for students breaking classroom rules:

  1. First offense - student will be given a verbal warning, Work Habits grade will be deducted and director will notate in gradebook.

  2. Second offense - student will be given another verbal warning, Work Habits grade will be deducted and director will notate in gradebook.

  3. Third offense - student will be assigned a detention, Work Habits grade will be deducted, parents will be contacted.

Any further offenses will result in a detention and the Principal’s office will be notified. If student’s misbehavior continues students parents will be called for a conference, student will have classroom privileges restricted, student will be removed from choir and/or all of the above.

Any serious infraction of school rules (fighting, disrespectful language, obscene behavior, bringing dangerous items into the classroom) will result in immediate removal from class and the student will be turned in to the Principal’s office. It is likely the student will receive partial or full suspension or removal from the choral program.

Choir classes are elective and while there are certain prerequisites for being allowed to register, it is not the policy of the director to disallow a student’s participation. However, the class structure involves students spending a majority of class time in close proximity to one another and relying on EVERY student’s participation for success. Therefore, if an individual proves to be difficult and hinders the operation of the class, the student will be removed.

Varsity Letter in Choir

Students participating in the choral program have the opportunity to earn a varsity letter in choir. Students must complete the criteria below in order to be eligible. Letters will be awarded at the annual spring banquet.

Varsity Letter Criteria

  1. Students must have completed 4 semesters of choir classes. This can be done consecutively (i.e. 2 years of Women's Chorus membership or 1 year of Women's Chorus and 1 year of A Cappella Choir) or can be accumulated by being in multiple ensembles during the course of their high school career.

  2. Maintain a 'B' average in all choir classes.

  3. Participate in OMEA Solo & Ensemble contest at least once with either a solo or as a member of an ensemble.

  4. Work a minimum of FOUR volunteer choir and/or Choir Booster activities (booster fundraisers, coat check) or participate in two recognized honors ensembles (All-State Choir, District Honors Choir). These activities can be combined such as one honors ensemble and two volunteer events.

  5. No disciplinary action taken against them other than minor classroom infractions (school-wide).

The choir varsity letter is meant to recognize students who have shown dedication and positive attitude towards the DHS Choral Department. Students being awarded are expected to maintain this level excellence in and out of the choir room.

Choir Boosters

The Defiance Choir Boosters are a group of parents & community members interested in assisting the Choral Music Department throughout the year with various functions of each of the choirs. These include:

  1. Production of major performance events

  2. Facilitating fundraisers

  3. Chaperoning choir events

  4. Assisting students & ensembles with fees for contests, festivals and other choral music opportunities

  5. Helping maintain positive morale within the department

  6. Assisting with the purchase of uniforms and equipment

Booster meetings will be published and posted on the choir website, school website, Charms website and in the choir room.