Course Catalog


Dear Students:

This course catalog is designated to provide you with information about courses and their availability, recommended sequences, and graduation requirements. As you will read, there is a wide selection of rigorous courses to consider. You must plan carefully to meet your individual needs. Taking the required courses and electives in varied academic disciplines will prepare you to graduate from Deer Park High School with a comprehensive education in preparation for your future endeavors.

You should carefully review your graduation requirements and the necessary courses and examinations for the Local Regents and Advanced Regents Diploma. Please see the assessment requirements in order to understand exactly what you will need in order to earn each diploma. Make sure you discuss all of your choices with your teachers and guidance counselor. Collaborating with them will ensure appropriate course selections. Remember to consider graduation requirements as well as your future aspirations.

Choose courses that will challenge you and broaden your horizons. I am confident that you will make in- formed and wise decisions for your 2022-2023 program.

COURSE CATALOG 2024-2025 updated 3-4-24.pdf