Academic Help

Need a tutor? 

Here is a list of community/student tutors working for a fee: USS Community Tutors

Here is a list of student tutors working for community service hours : USS Student Tutors

Interested in being a community tutor? Complete this Google Form.

Interested in being a student tutor? Complete this application form, get it signed by a parent/guardian, and submit it to Guidance.

The USS Science Department is now hosting an extra help session/room once a week on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00pm - 3:00pm.  Click HERE to access the Science Google Site to learn more. 

Online support for Math and Science: - This is a fantastic site with many, many videos explaining specific math/science concepts. It's free, but you are invited to make a donation.

Mathify ... homework help for grades 7-10 math.



With our continuous focus on optimizing educational experiences and strengthening our commitment to enhancing academic equitable outcomes, in partnership with DDSB’s Student Achievement and Curriculum Department and Minds-On, Durham Black Educators’ Network (DBEN) has created Elevate and Expand: Coaching for ExcellenceIn it’s 3rd  year, this virtual tutoring support program is for Durham District School Board students in Grades 6 – 12 who identify as a part of Durham’s Black diaspora.


Virtual 1:1 support will be offered through Google Meet.  Students will be matched with tutors based on academic strengths and needs, and our tutors’ teaching qualifications. Students will be provided 1 hour of complimentary tutoring per week.


Elementary students’ sessions will run throughout each term and Secondary students’ sessions will be based on semesters.


Families are kindly asked to complete the Elevate & Expand: Coaching for Excellence Registration Form below, including the media release by 4pm on November 16th


2022-2023 Elevate & Expand: Coaching for Excellence Registration Form


Sessions will begin during the week of November 28th 2022

For more information, please send your inquiries to our Program Coordinator at

stressed for the test?

Tests and Exams can be stressful!  We have created a presentation that outlines some of the fears that come with tests/exams and how to deal with them by preparing and implementing some useful strategies.