
Nikki Soliman is a member of the Keenanow Indigenous Employee Network. 

Where can I buy Bubbly Beth? Click HERE

We are excited and proud to share that Nikki has published an awesome children's book. Check out her book on her website by clicking on the image.

Nikki Soliman's newest release - Indig-Enough

Check out her website at https://www.lilbirdbooks.ca/books.html

Listen to an interview and discussion on Indigenous identity with Matthew Stevens, Cultural Director at Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation (MSIFN), hosted by Scugog Arts Vice President of the Board, Jonathan Colwell. Stevens shares his own insights and experiences on First Nations identity, and that identity within the Canadian landscape, focusing on the role Indigenous nations have played in forming the character of Canada.

Read more on this interview on the website featuring it by clicking on the button below. 

In this video that Karli Robertson put together, Indigenous youth share what Orange Shirt Day means to them in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway language).