Online Resources

Local News National News

The Courier BBC News

Evening Telegraph The Independent

STV The Telegraph

The Scotsman

Subscription Sites

Issues online - ask librarian for username and password

Really useful for information to support writing persauasive essays.

Scran - 370000 images, clip art, movies and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media

Currently easily accessible through Glow.

(if you are a library member, easy to join if not!)

24/7 access to all kinds of information

Other information

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography - information about famous people

Oxford Art Online

Oxford Music Online

Who's who and who was who

Who else writes like...

Oxford English Dictionary

A good librarian always shares their sources and also shows other places where you will find the same or similar information :)

Many universities and colleges ask that referencing is done using a different method but all of this is explained in great detail. Below are some links to local universities and the information that you can find about resources available and how to reference your sources.

Dundee University

St Andrews University

Abertay University

Dundee and Angus College

Stirling University