Getting organised

Spending a little while thinking and planning your research will save you time in the long run.

Use the following steps to help you.



What do I have to find out? What is my topic? Make a list of KEYWORDS that I know about the topic, a mindmap may help with this. Share ideas with others in the class.

· WHY?

Why do I need the information? Am I finding out facts to answer questions or am I researching a topic where I need to form an opinion based on the information I have found. Am I trying to persuade someone or put forward two sides of an argument?



Have I been given notes in class, recommended books to read, searching the internet? Asking opinion from others?

If using the internet what search engines will I use, what are the best websites to use? How can I narrow my search?

Find out more here about searching the net in the "Searching Online" section.



Have a quick look over the information to begin with. Is it useful and at the right level for you?

Keep checking who wrote the website and whether you can trust it. Is someone trying to convince you of something?

If you have found something you think is useful read it over again, making notes as you go along, whilst always remembering to keep a note of your sources and where you found the information. Remember computers make it very easy to save your internet sources.

Self Evaluation


Did I get everything done in time? Did I give myself enough time to complete the research and write up my findings?

Was the information easy to find? Did I make good use of all my keywords?

What, if anything, would I do differently next time?