
Content of Submissions

The trend towards massification in higher education has resulted inter alia in the proliferation of large classes.  Ironically, alongside that trend is the belief that teaching and learning in large class contexts is problematic (Cuseo, 2007).  However, there is no consensus on what constitutes ‘large’ (Kerr, 2011).  The purpose of this workshop is to move the emphasis away from the contested term ‘large’ class and move instead to focusing on the nature of teaching, learning and assessment in this context regardless of what is perceived as ‘large’ in order to identify pedagogical and assessment possibilities which are appropriate for large classes and which maximise student learning, engagement and participation in that context. As such this symposium  responds to recent calls for a pedagogical rather than a numerical focus to the debate (Prosser & Trigwell, 2014).

Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the symposium, and present the paper.   Scroll down this page for Google Form for submission of papers.

Submissions should fulfil the following criteria:

Common oversights with submitted papers

Possible topics for 2024 symposium may include but are not limited to ... 

Aligning with key priority areas of the UNESCO Education for Sustainable SD Framework to 2030, submissions focusing on enhancing the inclusivity and sustainability of large class learning environments and building the capacity of those who teach and support teaching and learning in higher education large classes through interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and collaborative approaches in all aspects of large class pedagogy are particularly welcome. 

Submission Procedure

Submission of proposed paper - 8 March 2024 @ 1800 IST  Extended to 20 March @1800 IST

Notification of acceptance - 12 April 2024 @ 1800 IST We may need to extend this date accordingly - watch this space

Submission of camera ready paper - 3 May 2024 @ 1800 IST

To make a submission, please complete the following steps:

STEP 1:  Submission of proposed paper by 8 March 2024 @ 1800 IST. Papers must be written in English and must follow the instructions in this  PHELC24 style template . When you click on the template link, a new window will open which will force a download of the word document to your device which you should be able to see at the bottom of your screen.  If you do not see it immediately, check your downloads folder.  Overall wordcount is 2,000 - 2,500 words approximately. To facilitate anonymous review, please ensure that your manuscript does not reveal your identity. 

STEP 2: Complete the PHELC24Google Form to register your paper submission for PHELC. Upload your paper at the end of the Google Form.   You should be able to upload the template to the Google Form if you are logged into your Google Account.  If you experience difficulty, please email  

Acceptance notification by 12 April 2024 @ 1800 IST  20 March @ 1800 IST.  Please note that at least one author of an accepted paper will be expected to present at PHELC.  Presentations types will vary; the convenors will indicate presentation type to authors of accepted papers.

Camera ready due  by 3 May 2024 @ 1800 IST.

Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the symposium, and present the paper. 

Symposium 7 June, 2024 @ 1100 - 1500 IST

Please note that symposium proceedings will be published in September 2024 on this website.