All PHELC Special Interest Group Symposia Proceedings can be accessed here - papers published individually and as compiled proceedings for each symposium

Published Symposia Proceedings

PHELC 2023, Online

Funded by The National Forum for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Dublin City University SATLE funding

Link = Full, collated proceedings

Recordings of presentations and links to individual papers below:

Lightning Talks 1 (x3) presentation available here - Presenters and papers listed below.

     Link to PAPER

Lightning Talks 2 (x3) presentation available here - Presenters and papers listed below.

Top photo - DCU photostock / Bottom photo - Sigmund on Unsplash

PHELC 2022, Hybrid (Dublin & Online)

Funded by the National Forum for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Link = full, collated proceedings

Recordings of presentations and links to individual papers below:

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Recordings of presentations and accompanying papers are linked below.

Full, collated proceedings available here.

Lightning Talks (x6) recordings available here - Presenters and papers listed below.

Image by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

PHELC 2020, Virtual

Recordings of presentations and accompanying papers are linked below.

Full, collated proceedings available here.

PHELC 2019, Valencia

Full Proceedings including workshop outcomes can be accessed herePlease note: this was an in-person event and presentations were not recorded.

Short papers (links to individual papers below):

Lightning Talks (x6) - Presenters and papers listed below.