Calories are in all foods, and most beverages we drink. Find out what calories are, and why they are important for us below.

#3-A: Directions: Watch the video and answer the questions in your packet.

  1. What is a calorie?

  2. A portion of our consumed energy goes towards physical activity each day. Make a list of all the daily activities you perform that you think would require this energy.

  3. Try doing a little research on calories. Look up the average amount in these five food items: an apple, a slice of bread, a chocolate chip cookie, a slice of cheese, and a soft drink.

    • Compare them with one another. Which one is the most energy-rich, and which one has the least energy?

  4. True or false: Everyone should eat exactly 2,000 calories a day if female, and 2,500 calories a day if male.

#3-B: Directions: Use the embedded links to answer the following questions. Write the answers in your packet.