School Accountability Committee
What is SAC
The purpose of the SAC is to inform, encourage and provide opportunities for parent and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement processes. Our School Accountability Committee (SAC) is a team of individuals representing Sagewood Middle School parents, teachers, administrators, staff, business/industry people, and other interested community members. SAC is an integral part of ensuring that school budgets, spending, safety, and academic performance is the best it can be. SAC reviews the school budget, student testing data, and issues affecting school safety. Members provide input for the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP), and important feedback to the principal, District Accountability Committee, and the Board of Education. A School Accountability Committee (SAC) is a requirement at every school. Sagewood’s SAC welcomes new member input and involvement at all of our meetings. We’d love for you to join us
Link to SAC Responsibilities Inventory:
Who is on the SAC at our School
School Representation:
Principal: Ben D'Ardenne |
Staff Representative: Kim Hughes |
Community Representation:
Community representative (cannot have a student currently enrolled at SGMS): Ed Beleno
Parent Representation:
Chairperson: Brooke Clements
Vice Chairperson: Patti Anderson
Recorder: Michelle Lieven
PTO Representative: Jonathan Rolbin
DAC Liaison: Shared among members
Non-voting Members: All are welcome!
Questions? Please contact Brooke Clements at, SAC Chairperson
Topics Discussed at SAC
Current School Issues
UIP/ Unified Improvement Plan
School specific budget priorities
Gather Community Feedback
Principal Evaluation Feedback
Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Activities
School Safety
Who can attend a SAC Meeting
All parents and community members are invited to attend.
If you are interested in what is happening at Sagewood
Middle School, we encourage you to attend! Contact SAC
at for more information.
Meeting Schedule 2023-2024
Our Meetings will be held IN PERSON on the following Wednesdays from 1:00 - 2:30pm
August 30th
December 6th
February 28th
May 1st