You Too Can Teach!

If there is a STEAM subject you are knowledgeable about ( or just passionate about) please reach out. I would love to collaborate. 

I would also like to emphasize STEAM jobs so if you work in a STEAM field I would love to hear from you.

I got my start by substitute teaching. It was very intimidating at the beginning but not nearly as hard as it sounded. Subbing is a great way to contribute to the community. Subbing can also be a low risk way to find out what area you want to teach in as well as what grade(s). There is even currently a stipend to cover the sign up fees. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to hear more about my experience. 

If you have a bachelors degree you can work as a teacher while getting your teaching license. is a great resource to find out more information. I am currently attending the CU Denver Aspire program to get my license. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to hear more about my experience.