Weeds and Seeds

Friday, October 7, 2022

We are designating multiple school-wide outdoor learning and service days for all students to collaboratively take part in working as they authentically learn about important science concepts. Friday, October 7 is our first day with a focus on Weeds and Seeds. Here is a schedule for the day and other possible activities to incorporate into this day.

(The day was a great success, see our pictures below!)

Watch this video of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

Students can make their own seed packets to fill with their story of a seed and how it might travel, or fill the packets with seeds to be collected on this day. Use one of these templates: Seed Packet One | Seed Packet Two

Alone or with a buddy students could create a storyboard of ideas for how their seed will travel and grow in another place.

Here is the schedule for the day:

Students should dress for being outside and can bring gloves if they wish!