Meet Ms. Loibl

Welcome to aztec Math

My name is Barb Loibl and I am excited to be teaching math on the Aztec team. This is my seventh year at Cimarron and I am excited to be here. I have been teaching for 28 years and have taught various grades from kindergarten through seventh grade. Working with students and helping them to explore and learn about the world is so rewarding to me. Teaching math is a role that allows me to foster problem solving, exploration, and development that encourages learning for the future, real-world life of my students.

I am originally from North Dakota but have lived in Colorado since 2004. I have two sons, Nate and Nash. They both were students at Cimarron and graduated from Legend High School. In my free time, I like to work out, read, go on long walks, hike, and ski. I also LOVE to watch football and basketball. Go Nuggets and Minnesota Vikings!!

This year is going to be an exciting year filled with many new opportunities. As a team, students, parents, and me, we will be challenged, learn, and grow together. 

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Email is the best form of communication. (

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