Classroom Resources

Video of Clever and Savvas log in.

Click the link above to access your math curriculum.

*See Google Classroom for details on assignments and resources for each day.

Sign into CLEVER by typing in your DCSD username and password.

This is the same username and password you use to log into your DCSD Google account.

Username is usually your last name first initial middle initial. Your password is usually Dcsd before your lunch number without any spaces in between.


Username: loiblbl

Password: Dcsd######

Once you're signed into CLEVER, find the APPS, and click on the Savvas Easybridge icon.

To access your assignments, Be sure to click the SavvasRealize button on the bottom then the Classes tab at the top of the next page.

All of your assignments will either be under one of the tabs below

Not Started In Progress Completed

*See Google Classroom for details on assignments and resources for each day.

Other Math Resources:

Khan Academy

Math Aids

Math is Fun