Gifted Identification

Gifted Education Referral :

We complete universal identification for all third and sixth graders every year in September using the CoGat assessment. Additionally, we complete targeted identification for students in all other grades who have been referred by a classroom teacher or parent. Identification for gifted programming is an ongoing process. A student may be referred for identification and identified at anytime in the year.

Fill out this form and submit to Jill Montoya to refer your child to initiate the gifted identification process.

Parents will be receiving information about ALP development for the 20-21 school year in the next few weeks. ALP’s will be complete no later than September 30, 2020

Identification Process

The NAGC recommends that all students have the opportunity to participate in a universal screening process for identification to ensure equitable access to programming. In accordance with state and national guidelines, the Gifted Education department has developed a process to gather data in order to match appropriate services to identified student need. As part of the universal screening process for identification, students in grades 3 and 6 take the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) in the fall of every school year. Student in grades 1, 2, 4, and 5 may take the CogAT during the fall screening but teacher or parent referral or request is required. Contact Jill Montoya at

Douglas County School District uses a dynamic, ongoing identification process with multiple criteria including cognitive ability, student performance and achievement, and parent, teacher and student feedback. Students may be referred for gifted identification at any time by teachers, parents or themselves. To initiate the identification process, please complete this Referral Form and share it with the gifted education facilitator at your child's school.

DCSD Gifted





CDE - Gifted

Criteria for Identification:

In order to be identified for gifted programming, a team must review a body of evidence (BOE) that includes:

• Three or more pieces of qualifying evidence

• Data from more than one source

• All data points aligned to one or more areas of strength

• Both quantitative and qualitative data

• All assessments and instruments reliable and valid

• All assessments and instruments culturally fair

Identification Presentation - DCSD

Identification Areas

  • General or Specific Intellectual Ability
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Math
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • World Language
  • Creative or Productive Thinking
  • Leadership Abilities
  • Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, Music or Psychomotor Abilities
  • Specific Academic Aptitude