Self-Care Resources

Taking care of ourselves and teaching our children to do the same is vital to our overall wellness. Good self-care will help us be at our best. We can manage our stress in a healthy way, improve our physical and emotional health, and help us take care of those around us. Here are a few ways to practice self-care.

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Create a sleep routine (tidy up room, prepare for the next day, have a quiet activity, brush teeth, read). Put away electronics at a certain point in the evening, at least an hour before bedtime. Our electronics emit a blue light that can cause eye strain and inhibit the production of melatonin. iPhones can be set to “Night Shift” which reduces the blue light. Buy an alarm clock for everyone in the household. Keep devices out of room or put on airplane mode at night!

Rose, Bud, Thorn
Each day, ask the members of your family to share their rose (what went well for them that day), their thorn (what they wish went differently) and their bud (what they hope happens tomorrow).

Get outside in nature!
Tie something teen related to the activity. Have a photo contest, social media post challenge, or grab your favorite eats afterward. Take a hike, try a snow-related activity in the amazing Rocky Mountains, play tennis, visit Roxborough State Park, or Castle Canyon State Park.

Create a sleep routine. Put away electronics at a certain point in the evening, at least an hour before bedtime. Our electronics emit a blue light that can cause eye strain and inhibit the production of melatonin. iPhones can be set to “Night Shift” which reduces the blue light. Buy an alarm clock for everyone in the household. Keep devices out of room or put on airplane mode at night!

Keep a daily journal - whether you just jot down three good things each night or write pages and pages, journaling is a great stress-management tool. Writing about stressful experiences can actually help you manage them in a healthy way.

Get outside in nature!
Tie something teen related to the activity. Have a photo contest, social media post challenge, or grab your favorite eats afterward. Take a hike, try a snow-related activity in the amazing Rocky Mountains, play tennis, visit Roxborough State Park, or Castle Canyon State Park.