Physical Activity Resources

Regular physical activity and movement not only keeps our bodies healthy, but also boosts brain functioning. Children need at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day. Most students will not get this amount at school through PE and recess - students will need additional opportunities for movement and physical activity.

Scroll down for Additional Resources (books, apps, videos, printables and websites)

Brain Breaks during Homework
Sitting for a long period of time without moving is not good for the brain - in fact, your brain will stop functioning efficiently after about 20-30 minutes of sitting still. Set a timer (2-5 minutes) and work in easy brain breaks (jumping jacks, a sprint in the backyard, play with the dog) during homework time. When it’s time to return to homework, have your child balance on one foot and take 3 deep breaths. He or she will be ready to focus on homework again.

Dance Party
Everyone loves to dance! Make a family playlist and have a 10 minute dance party after dinner. Make it a “Freeze” Dance Party - see how quickly everyone can freeze when the music stops. Pull out a camera and film it to enjoy later on.

Ninja Warrior Course
Create an easy (or complicated - depending on how much time you have!) Ninja Warrior course at home (indoor or outdoor). Use items you already have! Cones for the slalom, a board for the balance beam, under a bush (or for indoors - kitchen table!) for the belly crawl, old carpet squares for “hot lava” jumps - be creative and create it together. Time yourselves for added challenge!

Brain Breaks during Homework
Sitting for a long period of time without moving is not good for the brain - in fact, your brain will stop functioning efficiently after about 20-30 minutes of sitting still. Set a timer (2-5 minutes) and work in easy brain breaks (jumping jacks, a sprint in the backyard, play with the dog) during homework time. When it’s time to return to homework, have your teen balance on one foot and take 3 deep breaths. He or she will be ready to focus on homework again.

Kickball & Wall Ball in Racquetball Courts
Many of the local recreation centers have racquetball courts -- these are great for indoor games like Kickball and Wall Ball - or invent a new game! On a snowy or cold day, reserve a racquetball court for some creative and active indoor fun.

Nature Selfie Walk/Scavenger Hunt
Teens love to take selfies - send them on a Nature Selfie Walk! Give your teen a list of things in nature to look for (red leaf, rock shaped like Colorado, squirrel, etc.) and send them on a selfie walk to find these items. Challenge them to complete it in a certain amount of time. Or don’t give them a list - just have them take selfies with things in nature that have caught their interest.


  • Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, John Ratey, MD

  • The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier and More Creative


  • SworkitKids

  • 7 Minute Workout for Kids

  • Fitness Kids

  • Yoga for Kids

  • Walkr - Gamified Fitness App

  • NFL Play 60