Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness practices have been proven to increase awareness and focus, improve self-regulation and impulse control, and promote happiness and joy. Try these three simple mindfulness practices with your kids today!

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Breathing Buddies
For 1-2 minutes, have your child lay down and place a stuffed animal on their tummy. Ask them to be still and silent, and to watch their breathing buddy move up and down with each breath. Try doing this practice alongside your child at bedtime.

Take 5
Ask your child to find 5 things they can see, 4 things they can feel, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell and 1 thing they can taste. Take 5 is a great way to come back to the present moment and can help ease anxiety or nervousness.

Rollercoaster Breath
Hold up your left hand and trace the outline of your fingers with the index finger of your right hand. Each time you go up the side of a finger, breathe in. Each time you go down the side of a finger, breathe out.

Mindful Eating
Before the first bite of your meal, take a moment and look at your food, smell your food, listen to your food (!), feel the weight of your food in your hand or on your plate, and then slowly, slowly chew and swallow your first bite. Slowing down helps us remain present and truly savor the moment.

Take 5
Ask your child to find 5 things they can see, 4 things they can feel, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell and 1 thing they can taste. Take 5 is a great way to come back to the present moment and can help ease anxiety or nervousness.

5-7-8 Breath
Breathe in for a count of 5. Gently hold your breath for a count of 7. Breathe out for a count of 8. The gentle retention of the breath and the elongation of the exhale helps soothe the nervous system and calm the mind.

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