Classroom Expectations

ESL Vision: to prepare every student for a productive and positive future by helping them to acquire the knowledge and the skills they need to be responsible and contributing members of our society.

To make this happen, we need to maximize our learning time. We need to get as much out of our class together as possible. Rules and expectations allow this need and our vision to come together and create a meaningful classroom environment. Please review our rules and expectations below, for you will be responsible for practicing and following them throughout the year. Please reach out if you have any questions.


I understand that sometimes you get hungry before or right after class and need to snack. Teachers suffer this same struggle which is why we eat in class, too. But, if you have ever noticed, our food only feeds one. Thus, you will be allowed to bring ONE snack and ONE drink each day to class. This snack must be vending-machine size, NOT party-size, and feed YOU. If you bring a much bigger snack, you will be asked to put the food away. A second time, your food will be taken away and you can get it back AFTER class.

Cell Phones--Just Because

Teachers love their cell phones just as much, if not more, than you love your cell phones. We MUST have them...all...the....time. Outside of class--absolutely! During class, not always. Thus, while in class, specifically direct instruction, the expectation is that your cell phone is put away at the second bell. "Put away" means in a place where you will not be tempted to answer any incoming calls, social media posts, or text messages. Of course, if there is an emergency, you may use our cell phones or the phone in the front office. If not an emergency and you have been asked TWICE to follow this expectation, your phone will be taken away for the class period. The third time, the phone will be taken away for the day and parents will be called.

Cell Phones As Tools

Of course, cell phones do have some educational value-- calculators, translators, internet access, educational apps, white noise, etc. Thus, during independent practice or work time, you will be allowed to use your cell phone for these purposes. The expectation is that you will first ask permission to be on your phone and then use it appropriately. If, for example, you are playing DJ-- worrying more about your playlist than work-- or Snapchatting, you will be given two opportunities to virtuously use your phone. After that, your phone will be taken away for the remainder of class. Should this behavior repeat, you will lose your phone for the day and your parents will be contacted.

Attendance & Bathroom/Drinks

My goal is to use ALL of class time to help you master English AND to succeed in your other content classes. Thus, it is imperative (very important) that you come to class on time. You cannot learn if you are not in class. Should you be late, you are to come into class silently, find your seat, and begin/finish whatever work you missed or are expected to complete. If this is unclear, please raise your hand for clarification (better directions). Should you need to use the bathroom or get a drink from the fountain, you will be required to ASK permission to leave. You will have 5 minutes to complete your business. If you are not back in 5, I will send a search party.

Note: If you ask to use to the restroom, the expectation is that you are in the restroom. The vending machines, hallways, besties, the front office, your locker, etc, are not the bathroom. Should virtuousness become a problem, bathroom and water privileges will be revoked (taken away).


We, including teachers, all love to sit next to our besties during a class. Sometimes this is possible and other times it is. Thus, it is the expectation that you start class in your assigned seat and move when instructed, especially in Hamm's class where you will be expected to participate in different kinesthetic activities. Should you move desks during a class period, it is the rule that we return the desks where we found them. This allows us to make our classroom our own while helping Math do the same thing.

Absent Work

I understand that sometimes life happens and you cannot make it to class. I also know that when you return to class you want to immediately find out what you missed. I am here to help you with both AND also expect you to ask for the work AND to complete it within two days for every absence. So, if you are absent one day, you have two days to get the missed work AND to turn it in. If you are absent two days, you have four days, and so on.

If I do not hear from you, I will assume that you found the work and will turn it in within our given time frame. Work that is not turned in on time will result in a "goose egg for life" -- a zero. This work CANNOT be made up.

If attendance becomes an issue, we will discuss an attendance contract.

Come to Class Prepared:

In order for you to succeed in class, you must come to class with the right materials. For this class, you will need:

  • A few pens or pencils
  • Assignments from your other classes
  • An ESL folder
  • A Just Right Book ( or book you can read independently)
  • Cellphone AND headphones (for independent work time)


This will not require students to complete a great deal of homework outside of vocabulary support and signed progress reports which will fall under Participation in the grade book.


My classroom is rich with routine and expectation. In doing so, students are safe and learning can take place with ease. To ensure class runs smoothly, we will practice routines and expectations the first week of school and reinforce them going forward. Should you fail to follow them more than three times, you will be asked to go to the office and take a referral. I do not expect to write very many, but it is important to notify you about this part of class. You will be expected to make up whatever work is missed.