What's Happening in First Grade

First Graders CAN DO:   Lots of Amazing Things...

•In Reading we are working on all the foundational skills for beginning readers.  Phonics is a large part of first grade reading!  Using reading strategies to create meaning in reading is another important skill we will work on in first grade.  Sight words are also an important part of our reading practice.  By the end of first grade, children need to master at least 500 sight words.  You can access the list here.  

•In Math first graders are learning a lot about overall number sense and how numbers work.  They will work on basic addition and subtraction facts.  In first grade we also look at multiple ways to solve problems.  Kids need to be able to give justification and reasoning to their thinking.

•In writing first graders are working on creating a complete sentence with pproper puncuation and capitalization at the beginning of the year.  We are also working on adding Tier II (sparkle words) and Tier III (academic words) vocabulary words to our writing.  By the end of the year all first graders will be able to write a complete paragraph on their own. You will be amazed with how far they come with their writing!

•Science and Social Studies topics are embedded into our daily reading and writing activities.

•We are working all year on being effective citizens.  Ask your child to tell you about the things they can do to be a good friend and member of a community.  We will continue to work on this throughout the year.

Our school wide behavior expectation is Sedalia Really Rocks....we are looking for Safe, Respectful and Responsible behavior all day long.

Ask your child what they do in the classroom, lunchroom, bathroom, hallway, on the playground (or at home) to show that Sedalia Really Rocks!

Check Out First Grade Fun....