Physics Expectations

Course Objectives:

Physics is critical to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and beyond us. It is the most basic and fundamental science. Physics challenges our imaginations with concepts like relativity and string theory, and it leads to great discoveries, like computers and lasers. Discoveries like these lead to technologies that change our lives—from medical advancements to developing sustainable energy solutions. Physics is a year-long course that focuses on the study of the physical world. We will cover classical physics topics including motion, force, momentum, energy, electromagnetism, sound, and light.

Course Requirements:

Students are expected to be active participants in their learning. Classroom materials including a pencil/pen, notebook(s), paper, a calculator, a metric ruler, a protractor, and your conversion sheet. Our textbook is OpenStax Physics and is available for free in both a online and pdf version - a physical copy is also available to purchase.

Meeting Times:

This class meets during either period 3, 4, or 5 in room 515U. Attendance will be will be taken according to the Chaparral Handbook.

Classroom Policies:

  1. Be prepared to learn: This means bringing your required materials and being prepared and willing to be an active learner for the entire period. In addition, you should be respectful, cooperative and have a positive attitude.

  2. Electronic Equipment Policy: Electronic equipment (such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc) should only be used in class with my permission. Students who violate this policy will face consequences that may include confiscation of the device. If a student would like to take notes on an electronic device, that generally will be just fine, but the student should request permission from me first. Note: An iPad with Notability is an excellent way to take notes.

  3. Attendance: Be here and be on time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to discuss with me any missing work. Homework typically will be posted on Canvas or UT Quest, so you can also check there for a summary—and should look there first. Come see me before or after school to get any absent work you need to pick up (do not ask me for it during class). Barring extenuating circumstances, you will have two days to complete the work for every one day you were absent (excused).

  4. Late assignments: The importance of staying up-to-date and meeting deadlines cannot be overestimated. In many cases the success in a class, such as physics, is highly correlated with keeping on schedule. As a result, you will be allowed to turn in ANY assignment up to two school days after the due date for a maximum of 70% of the grade earned.

  5. Safety: Procedures must be followed as directed. Failure to follow these rules may result in removal from class and a zero for the day. No food or drink is allowed to be consumed in the classroom.


  7. Respect others: It is of utmost importance that you treat your fellow students and your teacher with respect.

  8. INTEGRITY FIRST! Help each other, but copying from other people is not learning, and it’s not ethical. All unoriginal work will result in a zero on the assignment, points off your work habits grade, and a call home. Allowing someone else to copy your work is unethical as well. Cheating is not tolerated—INTEGRITY FIRST!


Student evaluation:

Evaluation for each student is based upon completing the course objectives. Semester work will include:

Homework/Labs: 45% (36% of semester grade)

Tests/quizzes: 55% (44% of semester grade)

The cumulative semester final exam will be worth 20% of your overall semester grade.

Extra credit will be available on an extremely limited basis.

  • Missed quizzes and tests MUST be made up in a timely of when you return, or else you risk getting a zero (number of days absent plus one for excused absences).

  • Late work will be reduced by 25% per day.

  • Make-up work is not accepted for unexcused absences.

The following grading scale will be used:

90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below 60%=F

Getting help:

  • I do not have much sympathy for students who don’t understand what we’re doing, yet make no effort to come in and get help. Many times frustration can be lessened, if not avoided, by getting assistance early.

  • If you want to come get help during Homeroom, you must ask me for a pass prior to Homeroom.

  • During Homeroom on Thursdays and by appointment.

  • All assignments will be posted on Canvas. Use it to help you remember what has been assigned and when it’s due.

  • When working on an assignment with another person, you must attribute their contribution to it by including their name under yours in parentheses. Each individual is still required to submit their own work.

How to reach me:

  • My desk is in the science department office (213), Planning and Homeroom location is in 515U.

  • The best way to contact me is to through e-mail (; use the link on the CHS website. Do not use Canvas messenger and be sure to use your DCSD email.

Follow this link to sign-up for online homework.

Lab Safety information and quiz.

Book Condition Form

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