Astronomy Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Astronomy (1 DCSD science credit)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The intent of this course is to give the student a brief survey of astronomy with an emphasis on origins, constellations and identification thereof, and space exploration. Lesser topics include but are not limited to the history of astronomy, astronomers of past and present, the solar system and beyond. Includes lab.

CLASS LOCATION AND TIMES: Our class meets in 515U on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

INSTRUCTOR: Scott Babcock

OFFICE HOURS: Homeroom on Thursdays (8:30-9:20) and by appointment.

COMMUNICATION: My DCSD email is I will answer all of those emails within 48 hours. Be sure to use your school email account ( and check it daily. Do not use Canvas messenger or a personal email (again use your DCSD email).

REQUIRED TEXTS: Astronomy - OpenStax by Fraknoi, Morrison, & Wolff. This is an open source textbook available for free as a pdf or can be purchased as an iBooks or Kindle version. You may also purchase a physical copy of the textbook through Amazon.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Internet access. This course relies heavily on online content and homework. You will need to have a reliable internet connection. If you do not have access to the internet outside of school, please feel free to use the school’s or public library's computers.

RECOMMENDED: “Astronomy” or “Sky and Telescope” magazine

ATTENDANCE: In order to benefit from your educational experience you must attend class. I will take roll every class and follow DCSD policies regarding late and unexcused (UNX) absences.

WORK REQUIREMENTS: Try to write as if you would like me to understand, i.e. clear and legible using standard English. Use full sentences whenever possible for conceptual questions and show all work for computational problems. Your full name should appear at the top right. Most assignments will be submitted digitally (Canvas).

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to conduct themselves in class in accordance with the accepted standards of behavior set forth by the CHS and DCSD policies as set forth in your CHS student handbook and me. I may require you to leave a class, either temporarily or on a permanent basis if your behavior is such that it interferes with my ability to teach or other students’ ability to learn. Specific activities which may result in discipline, removal from class, or expulsion include but are not limited to:

  1. Abusive language or harassment of anyone.

  2. Consuming food or drinks (other than water) in class.

  3. Interruption of class or other's learning.

  4. Using any electronic device; cell phone, tablet, computer, etc. unless specifically instructed to do so for class purposes.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: CHS is committed to academic honesty and scholarly integrity. All members of the district community are expected and encouraged to contribute to such an environment by observing all accepted principles of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, grade tampering, misuse of computers and other electronic technology, and facilitating academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the act of claiming credit for knowledge which is not your own. This is a common mistake made by many students and you will be trained on how to avoid the problem. Those found in violation of the academic integrity policy may be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including a grade of zero for the particular assignment, temporary removal from the class, assignment of a final grade of “F” for the class and more serious sanctions under the DCSD code of conduct.

*When working on an assignment with another person, you must attribute their contribution to it by including their name under yours in parentheses. Each individual is still required to submit their own work.

GROUP TASKS: Occasionally you will be working in groups. These tasks will be given due dates listed in Canvas. The dates in Canvas are tentative and may have to be adjusted. If you are late or absent and miss the presentation for any reason you may receive a partial grade for the assignment. Missing these activities could reduce your total possible points for this work and have an effect on your final grade. Your group is a very valuable support system. In addition to the required tasks, you are encouraged to do your homework with your group, study with the group and generally help each other. You are, of course, responsible for your own work. Do not copy from anyone, even a fellow group member. That is a serious Academic Integrity offense and can result in disciplinary action as explained above.

GRADES: Quarter grades are calculated as follows:

  • 60% tests and quizzes (48% of semester grade)

  • 40% daily homework (32% of semester grade)

The semester grade is calculated as: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 grades are worth 80% and the final exam is worth 20%.

Grading scale:

  • A: 90-100%

  • B: 80-89%

  • C: 70-79%

  • D: 60-69%

Extra credit = up to 4% for star-party attendance (2% for each attendance). One star watch per semester will be scheduled, weather permitting.

DUE DATE POLICY: All assignments are assigned a due date in Canvas (any modification to the due date will be announced). Work turned in late will have a reduction of 25% per day. If you have an excused absence on the day of a lab, quiz, or exam, you need to make them up in a timely fashion (number of days absent plus one). Turn your work in on time to avoid penalties!

TEST DATES: Exam dates will be announced at least one week in advance. Any dates announced prior to that are to be treated as tentative. Due to unforeseen circumstances or special events an exam may have to be rescheduled.

EXAMS: Exams consist of true/false, multiple choice, photo recognition, calculation, and essay. The questions are derived from both the material covered in class, as well as the material covered in the text (with much overlap). You will likely not score well on these exams unless you have thoroughly read the assigned textbook sections AND attended lecture periods. Either one by itself will not likely earn you a good test score. You must have both! If there is material in the text which you do not understand, then you are encouraged to ask about it in class. Otherwise you may not find out how important it is until you take the exam.


This is a broad outline of the class. We may not cover these topics in this exact order or in equal amounts of detail. Additional, supplemental topics may also be introduced.

Celestial Sphere

  • Astronomy vs. Astrology

  • The motions of the Moon and the Sun

    • Ecliptic & Zodiac Constellations

    • Phases of the Moon

  • The motion of the visible planets

    • Prograde

    • Retrograde

  • The Celestial Sphere

    • Right Ascension and Declination

    • Poles, Equator, etc.

    • Motion Stars

  • The Calendar and the Seasons

    • Equinoxes and Solstices

Clockwork Universe

  • Pre-Copernican

    • Ptolemy

  • Copernicus, Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, and Newton

    • Universal Law of Gravitation

    • Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion

    • Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

  • Parallax

  • Constellations & Identification


  • Geometrical Optics

    • Light Gathering Power

    • Magnification

  • Refracting Telescopes

    • Refraction

    • Aberration – Spherical & Chromatic

  • Reflecting Telescopes

    • Newtonian, Cassegrain, & Primary Focus

    • Adaptive Optics

  • Space Telescopes

    • Hubble, Chandra, etc.

  • Introduction to Light

    • Electromagnetic Spectrum – in terms of type, energy, frequency, & wavelength

    • Spectroscopy

Midterm #1 – Units 1-3

Formation of the Solar System

  • Structure

  • Scale of Solar System

  • Properties

  • Cosmogony or Formation

    • Solar Nebula Theory

The Planets – Terrestrials & Jovians

  • Physical Properties

    • Mass, Radius, gravity, density, escape velocity, rotational & orbital periods, etc

  • Interior Structure

    • Composition

  • Surface Features

  • Atmospheres

    • Composition

  • Satellites and Rings

    • Formation and Composition

  • The Moon – Luna

    • Origin of the Moon

    • The Structure of the Moon

    • The Apollo Findings

Midterm #2 – Units 4-6 are covered

The Sun – Sol

  • Composition

    • Layers, Surface Features, & Atmosphere

  • Energy Production

    • Fusion reaction and energy release

    • E=mc^2

  • Solar Activity

    • Differential Rotation

    • Solar Cycle

    • Sunspots, Solar Flares, & Coronal Mass Ejections

Dwarf Planets & Minor Bodies of the Solar System

*content is mixed in throughout other units (i.e. Formation of the Solar System & Planets units), but more depth is achieved as time permits

  • Dwarf Planets

  • Belts of the Solar System

    • Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt, & Oort Cloud

  • Comets

  • Asteroids

  • Meteoroids

Comprehensive Final Exam – All units


Celestial Sphere

  • Describe the differences between Astronomy and Astrology

  • Describe the daily motions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars relative to the horizon.

  • Describe the seasonal positions of the sun – at sunrise, noon, and sunset – relative to the horizon.

  • Describe the motions of the sun, moon, and planets relative to the stars of the zodiac.

  • Understand the astronomical conditions necessary for solar and lunar eclipses.

  • Define the ecliptic and tell how to find its approximate position in the sky.

  • Describe the essential aspects of a scientific model and evaluate cosmological models in the context of scientific model making.

Clockwork Universe

  • Describe the difference between a sun-centered model and an earth-centered one with respect to annual stellar parallax.

  • List the assumptions and arguments that Copernicus used to support his model and refute the Ptolemaic one.

  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Copernican model compared to the Ptolemaic one.

  • Describe the important geometric properties of ellipses and apply these to planetary orbits.

  • State Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion and apply them to appropriate astronomical situations.


  • Outline the main functions of a telescope (light-gathering power, resolution, and magnifying power) and relate each to a telescope’s design.

  • Compare and contrast reflecting and refracting telescopes; include a sketch of the optical layout of each in your comparison.

  • Compare a radio telescope to an optical telescope in terms of functions, design, and use.

  • Cite a key drawback of a radio telescope compared with an optical telescope.

  • Describe what is meant by the term invisible astronomy.

  • Contrast an infrared telescope to an optical telescope in terms of functions, design, and use.

  • Discuss at least two important advantages a space telescope in earth orbit has over a ground-based telescope.

Formation of the Solar System

  • Identify at least two dynamic and two chemical properties of the solar system that any model of origin must explain. Describe briefly the chemical condensation model.

  • Describe the concepts of angular momentum and the conservation of angular momentum. Know how this relates to accretion disks.

  • Describe the role of accretion in the formation and initial heating of the planets and the role of impacts in the subsequent intense bombardment early in the solar system’s life.

  • Describe the process of cratering of planetary surfaces and tell how craters can be used to infer the relative ages of the surfaces.

  • Present the unique characteristics of Pluto that make it neither a Jovian nor a terrestrial planet.

Terrestrial Planets

  • Describe the process of cratering of planetary surfaces and tell how craters can be used to infer the relative ages of the surfaces.

  • Compare and contrast the geology of the four terrestrial planets.

  • Compare and contrast the weather systems of the four terrestrial planets.

  • List the major surface features on each planet and describe how they were formed.

  • Understand the roles of cratering, volcanism, and tectonics in the shaping of the planets’ surfaces.

  • Apply the concept of the greenhouse effect to the atmospheres of Earth and Venus.

Jovian Planets

  • Compare and contrast the Jovian planets as a group to the terrestrial planets

  • Contrast the Jovian planets to each other in terms of density, atmosphere, and unique features.

  • Understand ring formation and compare the Jovian rings system to each other.

  • Compare and contrast the general characteristics of the major Jovian moons.

The Sun

  • Describe the composition of the Sun.

  • Describe how energy is produced by the Sun and it’s flow outward to us.

  • Describe the effects of differential rotation on Sun’s appearance and behavior.

Laboratories & Activities

  • Zodiac Investigation – students research their zodialogical sign, report attributes, and discuss how well the attributes pertain to them. The purpose is to establish a clear deviation between Astrology and Astronomy

  • Constellation Activity – students research and orally report on a constellation, including the appearance, location, mythology, etc

  • Nighttime Observations – constellation location and identification.

  • Scaling Activity – Scale the solar system (actual and fictitious) to random lengths, as well as a football field

  • Retrograde Motion Lab – students graph data for the location of Mars during a prograde-retrograde-prograde cycle

  • Moon on a Stick – students use lights to simulate the Sun, their head as Earth, and a styrofoam ball on a stick as the moon. Used to observe the motion and resulting phases of the moon.

  • Orbits I – physical comparison of circular and elliptical orbits, using string to draw orbits to identify what ellipses are and what are foci.

  • Orbits II – students observe Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion by using a Phet orbit simulator

  • Spectral Analysis – identification of elements using spectroscopy.

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