Tip 7

Break vs. Reward


You may be asking yourself, what is the difference between a break and earning a reinforcer?

A break is something you take when you are getting frustrated. For example, you may walk away from the situation; do some deep breathing; or just relax with some along time to regroup or center yourself before beginning something difficult or less preferred.

There are two ways to use a break:

  1. If your child is beginning to get upset, this is not the time for you to provide them with their favorite iPad app or song. This is the time to model the coping strategies (Tip 5). You can set up one spot in your house that your child goes to for their break. Be consistent in your language and expectations when telling your child what you want them to do. You can use visuals or written steps to calming strategies.

  2. You can build breaks into your daily schedule; movement breaks, sensory activities (consult with your OT when addressing sensory activities for your child) to help decrease frustration from happening.

Reinforcement, however, is something that is earned for doing what is expected. We use reinforcers to strengthen behaviors we want to see happen more in the future. Be sure the expectations for your child are clear (Tip 4). If you have a job and get paid, that is your reinforcement for meeting your job expectations.

When do you use reinforcement? When your child meets your expectations to the best of their ability, provide items identified from your reinforcer survey (Tip 3). Reinforce your child any time they are doing something you want to see happen again. For example, they start cleaning up toys without being asked or they sit at the table for the whole meal.


power card

power card

break vs. reinforcement choices

break vs. reinforcement choices


⃞ Create menu for break activities that are calming/coping strategies (Tip 5)

⃞ Create menu for reinforcers to use for expected behaviors (Tip 3)

Printable checklist

Template Documents


Glimmers of Learning