Tip 1

Setting up the Learning Environment


Identify a quiet location that is free from distraction (i.e. not the kitchen, if cooking, or near a tv). If you have a previously identified homework area, use this same spot for consistency. Face chair towards a wall to decrease distractions. Using a chair with arms provides a visual and physical boundary to prompt your child to stay in their chair.

Set up the school work from left to right or top to bottom. Be very clear on what work your child is expected to do and include length of time. If your child received a packet of work, separate the pages or use a crayon/marker to circle where to start (green) and stop (red). Complete a reinforce survey to determine what your child will earn for finishing their work (see Tip 3: Identifying Reinforcers). Have all materials ready prior to beginning "school work" to maximize time.

Use containers to provide visual clarity regarding what tasks need to be completed within an individual work session. (Shoe boxes, cookie trays, etc. can also be used.)

Work space. Table facing away from distractions, work set up before learning.

Using a structured reinforcement system such as first (work)/then (reinforcer) will encourage your child to complete their work.

Work set up with finish bin. All work to be completed is visual for child first then with what child is working for.

Write down what work you would like your child to complete in that session. You can slide a piece of paper into a ziplock bag and use a dry erase marker on the outside.

Detail list of work to complete in session


⃞ Location is identified

⃞ Chair is facing away from distractions

⃞ Work System is set up

⃞ Supplies needed are in the work area (i.e. sharpened pencils, eraser, scissors, glue, etc.)

⃞ Materials for school work are ready and within easy reach

⃞ There are reinforcing items available

⃞ Reward is chosen prior to work

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