
Welcome to LibGuides! Below, you'll find free resources and information by topic to help you in your coursework. 

Allied Health\Nursing

Informational Websites:

Public Access Resources and Databases:

Practice Tests:



Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

AI (Artifical Intelligence)

AI (Artifical Intelligence)

About AI/Informational Websites


Viewpoints on AI

AI Citations/Attributions

Copyright and AI


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases:

Athletic Training

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

Building Construction Technology

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Resources and Databases

Business and Accounting

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

Children's Literature course

Literature Awards

Children's ebooks 

Intellectual Freedom/Book Challenges

Computer Science and Information Technology

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Open Access Resources and Databases

Diesel Technology

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Public Access Resources and Databases

Early Childhood Education

Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

Free Study Resources for All Subjects


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

Government Information Sources

There are many free sources of information that are available to you through the United States government. Below you will find a list of many helpful resources.

Congressional Research Service Reports - Publicly available reports that give an overview of various topics such as climate change, federalism, and other topics that might affect US policy. - Provides information on current and recent activities of the US Congress and includes resources such as a daily digest and a live stream of Congress. 

The Federal Register - The daily journal of the US Government. Provides information on new and proposed rules and provides access to presidential documents such as executive orders and proclamations. - The official website of the Government Publishing Office. Provides free access to all recent government publications.

The National Archives - The official website of the National Archives and Records Administration. Provides access to digitized historic documents. - Provides access to proposed and approved government regulations and allows for public comments that must be taken into account by the relevant agency. - Provides guides to US government information and allows users to search all government websites. If you aren’t sure where to go to find a piece of government information, you can search on to find the correct website.


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases

SCIRP Scientific Research: An Academic Publisher offers access to journal articles related to Social Sciences and Humanities, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Computer Science & Communications, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Medicine and Healthcare, Chemistry and Materials Science, Engineering, and Business and Economics.

Recursos en Español


Professional Organizations

Informational Websites

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases


Professional Organizations

Speech Examples

Speech Ideas

Public Speaking Tips 

Best Bet to Find Information for Your Research Paper

Credo Reference, Ebsco, and Gale are available through the catalog. For access information, please see How to Access Databases

Public Access Resources and Databases