Safety Guidelines


Hong Kong has a well-developed healthcare system with both public and private healthcare facilities. The public healthcare system is known for its high standard of medical care. Emergency services can be accessed by dialling 999. The government-operated Hospital Authority manages public hospitals, clinics, and emergency services. It is important for tourists to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses, as healthcare can be costly for non-residents. Also, it is advisable to check if the country of origin of the tourists has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with Hong Kong to receive healthcare benefits.

Safety Precautions

When travelling to Hong Kong, it's important to be aware of the safety guidelines and take necessary precautions, they include: 

Useful & Emergency Numbers

Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance): 999

Police Hotline: +852 2527 7177

Travel Industry Authority: +852 3698 5900

Consumer Council: +852 2929 2222

Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Hotline: +852 2508 1234

Hong Kong International Airport: +852 2181 8888

Customs and Excise Department 24-Hour Hotline: +852 2815 7711

Hong Kong Immigration Department: +852 2824 6111

Hongkong Post: +852 2921 2222

Department of Health: +852 2961 8989

Hong Kong Observatory (for weather information): +852 1878 200

Telephone directory enquiries: +852 1081