
Outdoor Plants

Name : Ashok

Scientific Name: Polyalthia longifolia Medicinal Significance: treatment of fever, skin diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and intestinal parasites.

Name : Neem

Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica Medicinal : Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems.

Name: Peepal Tree

Scientific Name: Ficus religiosa Medicinal: used to treat many ailments and diseases, Asthma, skin diseases, kidney diseases, constipation, dysentery, impotency and various blood-related problems

Name: Teak Tree

Scientific Name: Tectona grandis Medicinal: he essence of teak (inner black part) is inflammation (relieving swelling ) and pain relief, poisoning and burning. he juice of the leaves increases the blood. The oil of teak seeds is Kesya (hair enhancer) and Kandudhna (itching erase)

Name: Amaltas Tree

Scientific Name: Cassia fistula Medicinal: Amaltas fruits are used in the treatment of diabetes. It is antipyretic, abortifacient, demulcent, decreases inflammation and heat of the body useful in chest complaints, throat troubles, liver complaints and diseases of eye and gripping.

Name: Pine Tree

Scientific Name: Pinus roxburghii Medicinal: Boost Antioxidant Status, Improve Erectile Dysfunction (Blood Flow), Fight Off Common Colds, Protect Skin From Sun Damage, Reduce Inflammation, Balance Blood Sugars

Indoor Plants

Name: ZZ plant or aroid palm

Scientific Name: zamioculcas zamiifolia Medicinal: Amaltas fruits are used juice from the leaves is used to treat earache. The plant has air purifying qualities for the indoor environment.

Name: Rubber Plant

Scientific Name: Ficus elastica Medicinal: Beneficial for wounds, cuts, sores, muscle and joint pain, constipation, insect bites and parasitic worms.

Name: fiddle Leaf Fig

Scientific Name: Ficus lyrata Medicinal: They're among the very best houseplants for purifying indoor air–and the larger they grow, the better they are at it.

Name: flamingo flower

Scientific Name: Anthurium Medicinal: Plant components known to cause allergic reactions.- Considered antimicrobial, air-filtering.