Band Boosters

Band Booster Board Members

Presidents: Patricia Harrington and Bobbie Wingerter

Vice President: Sara Booker

Treasurer: Melissa Bixby

Secretary: Stephanie Fowler


Please plan to get involved in supporting our directors to provide an outstanding musical experience for our sons and daughters. West High Band Parents Club members support every aspect of the band program at West with volunteers to do such things as pour water, pin up uniforms, move large instruments, stack chairs, sell concessions, supervise solo venues, and most importantly attend programs and cheer on our wonderful kids.

We need all families to take part to make this work. There are no longer membership dues to be a member of this club – every band family is automatically a member. There are opportunities to serve during virtually every concert or event involving the bands. Please consider attending monthly meetings and take the opportunity to sign-up to help in some way. It will truly be a worthwhile use of your time.

Thank you.