
  • Voting Rights: Democracy is paramount to the protection of all other rights. Without the people having real control over their government, they cannot ensure that their lives and concerns will be treated with the dignity and equality they deserve. In order to strengthen our state’s democracy, we must protect and expand the right to vote in NH, including passing early voting, protecting same-day registration, and banning gerrymandering.

  • Reproductive Health: The horrific decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade directly endangers access to essential reproductive care and bodily automony. NH’s current Republican government has shown their anti-choice colors, and we cannot allow them to continue to threaten access to care. We must repeal NH’s abortion ban, but we must go farther than merely not having bans. We must also ensure all people, including marginalized groups and rural communities, have equal access to abortion and reproductive care and steadfastly protect the right to choose.

  • Housing Crisis Action: The housing crisis is devastating NH communities, preventing people from moving to our state just because they cannot afford to live here. This is injuring our economy and driving potential residents away, making us lose out on valuable talent and making people’s lives worse. In order to energize NH’s economy, we must encourage walkable towns and provide town governments the resources they need to increase the housing supply and encourage the growth of affordable housing. If we do not act, labor shortage & housing crisis will only continue to harm our communities.

  • Labor Rights: New Hampshire is far behind all of our neighbors when it comes to protecting the dignity of workers. Multi-billion-dollar institutions like Dartmouth still have wages as low as $11.50, and national anti-labor groups are lobbying our government to pass dangerous union-busting legislation. As a proud advocate for labor unions, I know first-hand the importance of fair labor practices and wages that truly value people’s sacrifices. We must increase the minimum wage to $15/hour and fight against national anti-labor groups’ efforts to pass “right-to-work” union-busting legislation.

  • Education: Growing up in public schools my entire life, I know personally the impact that teachers and great public schools make on improving the futures of children of all backgrounds. We must resist the efforts of our current state government to dismantle and privatize our education system and to silence teachers’ work towards educating students about everybody’s history. Laws like the “divisive concepts” bill that seek to restrict students’ access to education have no place in our state, and we must instead support teachers with salaries that match the essential role they play in our society. We must ensure that public schools across our state, not just areas of our state with wealth, provide all students the exemplary education they deserve.

  • Civil Rights: Across the nation and our state, reactionaries are targeting members of the LGBT+ community, particularly transgender children, to score political points. As a member of the LGBT+ community myself, these attacks feel personal as if targeted to my own family, and we cannot allow them to continue. We must strengthen civil rights protections for LGBT+ people and ensure that nobody is cruelly disciminated against for being who they are.

  • Gun Violence Prevention: Throughout my time in grade school, instead of our government passing laws to protect us, they instead made us practice “lockdown drills” and simulate what it would be like to be in an active shooter situation. That decade-plus of drills is still fresh in my memory. We cannot allow our children to experience such horrific, frequent, and preventable violence. We must pass common-sense laws to end gun violence, such as the laws that Massachusetts has passed that certainly protect responsible gun ownership while also ensuring the safety of our communities.

  • Climate Change: My generation faces head-on a calamitous situation with climate change that will affect our very own lives. Our state should have provided meaningful funding to transition our power generation to fully renewable a very long time ago, but we can still act. We must fight climate change by investing in clean energy, setting a legally binding commitment to achieving net-zero emissions. Further, to ease the transition for everyday people, we must take up our job as a state and making the Inflation Reduction Act’s resources easy for everyone in New Hampshire to use, especially homeowners and small businesses so they can get their buildings ready for a sustainable future.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare is by definition essential for human life, and we cannot permit our present reality where so many people suffer from painful healthcare costs that force people to choose between finanical security and essential medical attention. We must lower healthcare costs by negotiating prices together with nearby states to increase our bargaining power. We must additionally pass price caps on essential medicines like insulin where manufacturers charge ridiculous markups that endanger people’s lives. Through this, we can ensure that everybody can access healthcare no matter where they fall on the income ladder.