About Me

  • Student of government and history at Dartmouth College in the Class of 2024!

  • Extensive experience in democracy by working in the United States Census, as an Election Judge, and as a researcher for Professor Michael Herron

  • Personally invested in LGBT+ advocacy as a member of that community, working to promote inclusivity fighting against attempts to restrict LGBT+ civil rights

  • Attended public school throughout my entire childhood and proud advocate for public education and teaching history of all communities, not silencing teaching

  • Directed Sophomore Trips program, connecting students with NH’s great outdoors

  • Grew up in a Hispanic family in Texas, showing me first-hand the urgent importance of diversity and inclusion

  • Leader on campus in movie discussion club Film Society, international studies mentorship program Great Issues Scholars, and intercultural awareness course Rockefeller Global Leadersip Program

  • Proud member of Dartmouth’s Disco Troll ultimate frisbee team, Glee Club choir, and WebDCR radio station

  • Serves as research associate in Dartmouth Digital History Initiative, admissions representative and campus tour guide, and film program assistant for the Hopkins Center for the Arts