
Democracy & Voting Rights

Throughout my entire political life, I’ve been a strident advocate for voting rights and democracy. Whether fighting against the gerrymandering efforts of NH Republicans, studying voter suppression academically, working in the US Census and advocating for an accurate count, or fighting for universal access to voting by mail, I have a lot of experience in understanding the strategies and consequences of anti-democratic playbooks, and I am committed to stopping them so that the people can be in charge of their government, just like how we stopped the gerrymandering of New Hampshire’s congressional map.

Housing Access

Since I first arrived in Hanover, I have seen the effects of the housing crisis first-hand, myself displaced in the past due to the housing shortage in the Upper Valley. I already have a record of legislative action, working with the Town of Hanover to pass the Main Wheelock District in the 2022 town meeting election to smartly increase access to housing while preserving the walkable nature of Hanover that makes it so special. I am proud of the cross-town support that our campaign for housing accessibility built, from the town government to neighborhoods to students to the town Democratic Party, and continuing this experience of cross-town collaboration is what I wish to bring to the table in future efforts to enact positive change. Ensuring everybody has a home is not just lip service for me but something I have already worked to deliver actions of improvements on.

Labor Unions & Worker’s Rights

I have experience protecting and strengthening labor rights, joining the effort to organize and unionize Dartmouth’s student workers in the Student Worker Collective at Dartmouth since the very beginning. After much effort throughout the winter, our campaign for worker’s rights succeeded in the spring, successfully creating the first undergraduate labor union of student workers at Dartmouth. The efforts of this union have already significantly increased student worker pay, and as a student worker myself, I am personally invested in the success of this movement for worker’s rights. Since that victory in the spring, I have led the effort to expand the SWCD labor union to other sectors of Dartmouth student workers, and with my endorsement from NH’s American Federation of Teachers, I will be a steadfast advocate for living wages and worker’s rights in Concord.