Nicolás Macri

Voting Rights. Repeal the NH Abortion Ban. Housing Crisis Action. Real Livable Wages.

If we vote, it’s all possible.

Nico for NH State House

For too long, our community has been divided. Whether it’s the town government, students, or community members who want to make positive change, people often don’t know how to reach each other. Despite living together, too frequently, we don’t have the opportunity to work together at a mass level for positive change.

While we remain disconnected, our Republican state government has worked hard to pass a deluge of dangerous laws, from attacks on education to restricting abortion to endangering voting rights. Republicans currently control every branch of New Hampshire’s state government despite our swing state status, and as their efforts show, they are only seeking to continue their backwards path.

Instead of the communities within Hanover and Lyme continuing this detrimental separation, however, my years here have shown me how we actually can work together, whether students or not. As the record shows, when we are united, that’s how we actually pass impactful change.

Throughout my time here, whether in my work expanding access to housing, organizing unions and standing up for worker’s rights, or fighting against gerrymandering, I’ve seen how cross-town collaboration moves mere words into change. Even as just an everyday citizen, I’ve worked my hardest to make the most of my time and already have helped translate those wishes into actual records of success.

I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together already when we unite our entire community, from the Main Wheelock District that worked with Hanover’s town government to expand housing opportunities to stopping the gerrymander of NH’s congressional districts, and I know we can do so much more. With my record of speaking out for the underrepresented groups like the LGBT+ community that I belong to, of turning out voters who infrequently vote, and of organizing broad coalitions to bring change, I know we can keep up the fight.

We do not have to settle for the reactionary vision of our current state government. If given the opportunity, I will use all of my experience and energy to fight for better outcomes for everybody. We’ve passed positive change before, and we can do it again.


Campaign Announcement Article in The Dartmouth

NH’s American Federation of Teachers Endorses Nico

Nico’s Op-Ed Calling for NH to Offer Early Voting

Learn About the Main Wheelock District