Overdrive/Sora Audio Books and Capstone ebooks

Your log in is your username WITHOUT the @darienps.org and your regular password! ------>

Sora Audio and 


Listen to audio books and read some ebooks on your Chromebook! 

Sora Sign In Page Link:

School Code is oxridgect


Username: smithc

Password: WindDogs23

Download Sora to listen to books on your ipad, ipod, or phone!

This new app will open a whole new world of reading!

Capstone Interactive e Books

U: oxridge1

P:  library

U: continue

P:  reading

Here is an interesting article regarding the benefits of listening to audiobooks. The author, Daniel Willingham, is a  Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. He has written numerous articles about education. In the past his research has included studying the brain with a focus on learning and memory.

(shared by Nicole Choiniere-Kroeker from Tokeneke Elementary School)