Library Lesson Examples

Check out Abeeha and Elizabeth helping out in the library!

Lessons can include but are not limited to the following…

Library Expectations/Rules

Book Care/Borrowing Responsibilities

Parts of a Book, Authors and Illustrators

Organization of Library (ABC order for fiction; Dewey Decimal for Non-fiction)

Using call numbers to find books in the library (Upper Grades will use Destiny)

Exploring the Features of Destiny OPAC System (Online Patron Access Catalog)

Working in a shared environment using GAFE (Google Apps for Education)

Accessing databases for reading and research such as Newsela, PebbleGo, ABDO Zoom, Brainpop, Book Creator, Pixton and much more!

Differentiating Between Genres (Fiction, nonfiction, biography, graphic novels, etc)

Story Elements: Character, setting, plot, problem, resolution, retelling, sequencing

Information Access: research skills, note taking, summarizing, paraphrasing, questioning/inquiry, using multiple print and online sources; evaluating sources for validity, citing sources

Learning how to use new apps like Seesaw!

Fairytales and Their Features

Computer Science/Coding and Hour of Code Activities (Code Monkey,, Kodable)

Digital Citizenship (from Common Sense Media)

Poetry Appreciation and Traditional Literature (folktales, tall tales, fairy tales, etc.)

Spotlight on Authors: Upcoming Authors: Lauren Tarshis, Patricia Polacco (cancelled), and Mac Barnett!